2013年3月18日 星期一


除了蘋果第二代iPad mini將於第3季推出外,零組件廠也傳出,Google的新平板電腦-第二代Nexus 7,將趕在勁敵iPad mini推出前,領先於第2季底上市,廣達仍為主要組裝廠,今年出貨量將挑戰千萬台以上的水準。
市場傳出,Google第二代Nexus 7仍然是由廣達代工,機殼由巨騰供貨,產品將採用更高解析度的面板,甚至可能與蘋果Retina螢幕比拚。
近期各品牌大廠的7吋低價平板電腦接續出爐,像是聯想、華碩、宏碁、惠普等都有新機搶市,亞馬遜也調降大螢幕的Kindle Fire售價,最高降價100美元(約新台幣2,976元),該裝置也同時在歐日開賣。UDN

Google Executive to Visit Myanmar
New York Times
YANGON — Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt of Google plans to go to Myanmar this week, becoming the first high-profile executive from a technology company to visit the country since the West eased sanctions imposed during decades of military ...
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Feedly adds 500k new users on Google decision to kill Reader
"We have been working on a project called Normandy, which is a Feedly clone of the Google Reader API - running on Google App Engine," the company wrote in its blog. "When Google Reader shuts down, Feedly will seamlessly transition to the Normandy ...
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Good Riddance, Google Reader
Google Reader turned into a zombie a long time ago and it's good that Google finally killed it. For years, Google Reader has been sitting on Google's servers without any appreciable updates. Sure, it got a bit of a facelift in 2011, but it only lost ...
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Focusing On The Google Reader Shutdown
Given the relatively small impact a Google Reader sunsetting could have on the company's billion dollar operating expenses, a highly visible shutdown like that of Google Reader seems to be at least in part to send a message (among the vocal blog ...
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St. Patrick's Day good for a Google Doodle and a 'Leprechaun' »
Los Angeles Times
St. Patrick's Day has arrived and brought with it a high-stepping Google Doodle. The Feast of St. Patrick means shamrocks and green T-shirts and parties. St. Patrick's Day may be a celebration of the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, but in America ...
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God Damn It, Google
A couple years ago, I wrote a post called Google, Rome, and Empire. The gist of the article, of which I was very proud at the time, was that Google's grand plan mirrored the structure of Roman roads in their build-out period, and that Google would ...
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Google doodles St. Patrick's Day with sober riverdance
One boy and five girls -- each representing one letter of the Google logo -- demurely dance away and leap up and down a little. Naturally, this gives an extra meaning to the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button just below them. However, it also reminds you that ...
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Google Doodle for St. Patrick's Day Will Put a Spring in Your Step
Top o' the morning to everyone, and for those doing any Googling this St. Patrick's Day, there's an adorable Google Doodle waiting for you. This year, an animated Google Doodle features six cute children — each wearing a letter of Google's name ...
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Feedly picking up where Google Reader leaves off
The blogosphere went wild after Google's announcement. Seemingly everyone was chiming in on the subject to complain about the news, tell others to sign apetition to get Google to change its mind or give advice as to which RSS services could replace it.
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Have I got news for you
The Economist (blog)
SPRING cleaning has a lot to commend it. But when Google announced that it is binning its Reader, which aggregates information from websites' news feeds, tech types around the world erupted in righteous fury. Many websites which have come to depend ...
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