2013年3月30日 星期六

Google and Microsoft as makers of personal computers/Google街景拍攝 徒步北極圈/flexible display panel

iPhone環繞顯示器 申請專利

根據這項專利申請內容顯示,新手機可能使用環繞式顯示器,取消按鍵裝置,裝在「透明外殼」內的可撓性顯示面板(flexible display panel)能從手機各處顯示內容。
顯示面積增加 去除實體按鍵
根 據富比世(Forbes)網站指出,這項專利凸顯出蘋果似乎有意朝OLED面板發展。富比世說,雖然蘋果執行長庫克已多次公開讚揚蘋果使用的視網膜顯示器 優於OLED,但是據OLED-Info.com網站報導,蘋果已聘請前樂金集團(LG)一名精研OLED科技的研究人員,加入其顯示器部門。

Google街景拍攝 徒步北極圈

Google 街景小組成員過去是把攝影機架在車上拍攝街景,但如今在位於北極圈內的加拿大努納武特領地首府伊魁特拍攝街景時,則改由小組成員以徒步方式,揹著重達18 公斤的伸縮攝影機四處走透透。這群徒步客面對的是荒涼的景色,更別提還有遭北極熊攻擊之虞,甚至還要踏上若干鮮為人知的步道,包括長15公里、被稱為「烏 有路」的一條死路。
巴芬島入鏡 可望吸引觀光
第 二個挑戰則是,如何正確地在地圖上顯示商店和住家的位置。這些商家因為都把郵件地址寫在當地郵局,因此在地圖上就變成以鎮中心的郵局為核心,四周都是商店 和住家。所幸靠著30名當地熱心人士的協助,街景團隊發給他們一人一台筆記型電腦,教導他們如何正確登錄地址,花了一個晚上終於解決問題。

Two unlikely PC makers emerge: Google, Microsoft
CNET (blog)
Here's a disruptive technology trend: Google and Microsoft as makers of personal computers. If I had tried to predict in 2010 that these two companies would make branded PCs -- using PC in the generic sense -- I can imagine the response. "You're an ...
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Google Begins Same-Day Delivery Service in San Francisco
The new delivery service is being piloted by Google to collect customer reaction and see how it works on a small scale to start, according to a March 28 post on the Google Commerce blog by Tom Fallows, product management director for the project.
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Newt Gingrich among those who will get Google Glass
You might wonder whether Google, aware of the publicity this might bring, overlooked Gingrich's rather pedestrian reason to use Glass on his application: "#ifihadglass i would take it on tours of zoos and museums to share the animals and fossils ...
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Google to Make Glasses with Foxconn
Google co-founder Sergey Brin is touting the device, dubbed Project Glass, as the future of mobile computing after describing smartphones as "emasculating." Fashion designers, skydivers, acrobats and pilots have been used by Google to demonstrate the ...
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Google Nexus 5 Features - The Rumours So Far
google nexus 5 features Google Nexus 5 Features The Rumours So Far In May 2013, Google are set to unveil their latest flagship smartphone, the Google Nexus 5, at the annual Google I/O meeting. As the successor to the Google's widely popular Nexus 4, ...
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Google Removes Ad Blocking Apps From Play Store, Developer Fires Back
Email. Print. In an unexpected move, Google has removed all apps that block ads on your Android powered device. No worries, Android malware remains available for download. No Ad Blocking for You no android ads 300x187 Google Removes Ad Blocking ...
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Google launches Play store movies in India, Mexico
Hindustan Times
Google announced this week that movies on Google Play will soon have information cards that will use facial recognition technology to help users identify individual actors, so now when watching a movie with friends any dispute over what else a ...
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Hindustan Times
Google Glass - Everything You Need to Know
As technology has become lighter, thinner and more portable a distinct trend towards wearable technology has begun to emerge. Both Apple and Google are preparing to release their first pieces of wearable tech in 2013, with Apple's iWatch and Google's ...
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Top 5 Google Reader Alternatives
Today is indeed a very sad day for all of the Internet as Google has decided to get rid of Google Reader as part of their “spring cleaning” on July 1, 2013. While this is incredibly surprising, since I personally know that the majority of my colleagues ...
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Google's Andy Ruben steps down as head of Android
Google has just announced that the head of the Android department Andy Ruben as stepped down from his position and will be replaced by Sundar Pichai, who is currently the VP of Chrome and Apps, but will also retain his current roles and responsibilities.
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