2020年5月30日 星期六

Microsoft is to replace dozens of contract journalists on its MSN website and use automated systems to select news stories. Google funds automated news project

Microsoft is to replace dozens of contract journalists on its MSN website and use automated systems to select news stories, US and UK media report.
The curating of stories from news organisations and selection of headlines and pictures for the MSN site is currently done by journalists.
Artificial intelligence will perform these news production tasks, sources told the Seattle Times.
Microsoft said it was part of an evaluation of its business.
The US tech giant said in a statement: "Like all companies, we evaluate our business on a regular basis. This can result in increased investment in some places and, from time to time, redeployment in others. These decisions are not the result of the current pandemic."
Microsoft, like some other tech companies, pays news organisations to use their content on its website.
But it employs journalists to decide which stories to display and how they are presented.
Around 50 contract news producers will lose their jobs at the end of June, the Seattle Times reports, but a team of full-time journalists will remain.
"It's demoralising to think machines can replace us but there you go," one of those facing redundancy told the paper.
Some sacked journalists warned that artificial intelligence may not be fully familiar with strict editorial guidelines, and could end up letting through inappropriate stories.
Twenty-seven of those losing their jobs are employed by the UK's PA Media, the Guardian reports.
One journalist quoted in the paper said: "I spend all my time reading about how automation and AI is going to take all our jobs - now it's taken mine."
Microsoft is one of many tech companies experimenting with forms of so-called robot journalism to cut costs. Google is also investing in projects to understand how it might work.

2020年5月28日 星期四

Donald Trump plans to sign an executive order on Thursday targeting tech giants

BREAKING: Donald Trump plans to sign an executive order on Thursday targeting tech giants like Facebook and Twitter, which could bombard them with lawsuits.

2020年5月20日 星期三

Apple and Google’s covid tracing tech has been released to 22 countries

Billions of people are potentially covered by Apple-Google's release of its covid tracing technology, but notable omissions include France and the United Kingdom.

2020年5月10日 星期日

Apple蘋果公司:大舉發展Mini LED和Micro LED;本季度將在越南大規模生產AirPods;計畫將該公司近五分之一的產能從中國轉移到印度

蘋果 (AAPL-US) 正計畫將該公司近五分之一的產能從中國轉移到印度,並通過富士康和緯創資通等合作製造商擴大印度當地的生產業務,未來五年內投資規模可能升至 400 億美元,也可能使印度成為蘋果商品最大出口國。
公開數據顯示,蘋果的產品中有 90% 以上的產能來自中國。其中,iPhone 的代工生產很大一部分來自富士康與和碩。事實上,在 2015 年的時候,蘋果代工廠富士康就曾與印度達成備忘錄,同意加大對印度製造業的投資,並有計劃於 2020 年在印度建立 10 至 12 家製造消費電子產品的工廠。
自 2017 年以來,緯創資通已經在開始在印度班加羅爾生產蘋果的平價 iPhone SE 機型。如今也在那裡組裝 iPhone 6S 和 7 型號。緯創資通在班加羅爾的二廠也將生產 iPhone 7 和 iPhone 8,其餘部分則將出口。
富士康去年也開始在印度生產 iPhone XR 機型,該公司已經在當地組裝 PCB。但是,印度仍然依賴來自中國的其他智慧型手機零組件供應,例如顯示面板和相機模組。三星則是在 2018 年於印度諾伊達開設了全球最大的智慧型手機工廠。

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2020年5月8日 星期五

2020年5月7日 星期四

Alphabet's Sidewalk Labs has pulled the plug on its Toronto "smart city" project

Alphabet's Sidewalk Labs has pulled the plug on its Toronto "smart city" project, citing its financial viability and "unprecedented economic uncertainty" in a setback for the city's long-planned waterfront revitalization.
