2018年3月31日 星期六

Transitioning Google URL Shortener to Firebase Dynamic Links

.......不過,Google 30 日宣布這項服務自今日開始停止支援,所有產生的 goo.gl 短網址不會失效仍能正常轉址;4 月 13 日起匿名用戶、以及從未使用過這項服務的網友將無法產生短網址。至於使用過這項服務的用戶,在 2019 年 3 月 30 日之前可下載數據統計的 CSV 檔。

Firebase Dynamic Links 智慧網址

Google 短網址服務功成身退,取而代之的是進階 Firebase Dynamic Links(FDL)服務,FDL 屬於一種智慧網址,可幫助客戶將資訊發送給現有或潛在的顧客,其功能還包括可將用戶從行動版網頁無縫轉換到原生應用程式內的相同內容上,或將用戶從桌面版網頁導引至行動版網頁,以及透過社群分享 FDL 來推動更多用戶下載應用程式等等。
此外,Google 也推薦現有的 Bitly  Ow.ly 兩大短網址服務來取代 Google 短網址給用戶使用。筆者過去從事過社群行銷工作,也推薦國內的 PicSeeLihi.io 等服務。

2018年3月28日 星期三

Amazon Loses $53 Billion in Market Value After Trump Zeroes In

 Bloomberg 都分享了 1 條連結
Move over, Facebook. U.S. investors have a new punching bag among the…

2018年3月26日 星期一

事發頭五天,臉書股價已下跌14%,750億美元市值蒸發Elon Musk deletes Facebook of SpaceX, The week Facebook's value plunged $58bn

近來,紮克伯格成了全民公敵。他的臉書(FaceBook)5000萬用戶的信息數據16日晚被揭露遭劍橋分析公司(Cambridge Analytica )獲取和轉賣,用於影響美國和多國的選舉,以及影響英國脫歐公投。事發頭五天,臉書股價已下跌14%,750億美元市值蒸發,紮克伯格身家縮水101億美元。社交媒體上正如火如荼興起“刪除臉書”運動。

近來,紮克伯格成了全民公敵。他的臉書(FaceBook)5000萬用戶的信息數據16日晚被揭露遭劍橋分析公司(Cambridge Analytica…

Top stories

(德國之聲中文網)航天企業SpaceX和電動車生產商特斯拉已凍結了其在臉書上的賬戶。掌控SpaceX和特斯拉的億萬富翁馬斯克(Elon Musk)此前宣佈相關決定。


Google’s Pichai Sings China’s Praises in AI, Pledges Bigger Team

Google’s Pichai Sings China’s Praises in AI, Pledges Bigger Team

...Google has invested in Chinese startups, forged a patent alliance with Tencent Holdings Ltd. and is pushing its TensorFlow AI tools in the country despite key services such as search and email remaining blocked. The Mountain View, California-based company recently opened a research lab in Beijing focused on AI, a blossoming field but one at the center of tensions between China and the US.
“We’ve already got a small team doing research there and look forward to expanding it,” he told an audience at the conference that was attended by senior government officials and executives including Apple CEO Tim Cook.
In 2010, Google refused to censor search results with China’s internet censors later blocking access. Now Google and Facebook Inc. are among foreign giants who regularly visit in an effort to curry favor and regain access to the lucrative market.
To illustrate China’s growing prowess, Pichai pointed to podcast service Cast Box as an example of local apps that are gaining international popularity.
Google’s lab falls under its cloud unit, and the company has suggested it’s open to entering mainland China with that business if it’s allowed to.
— With assistance by Mark Bergen, Kevin Hamlin, and David Ramli

2018年3月25日 星期日

WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton tells everyone to delete Facebook;他,為何與「金主」為敵

......「問題是,『你忠於什麼?』」曾在谷歌(Google)任職,後來創立人道技術中心(Center for Humane Technology),為希望改變企業文化的矽谷員工服務的特里斯坦·哈利斯(Tristan Harris)說。他一直批評社群媒體公司開發的產品會讓人上癮,加劇文化對立。
為Facebook開發出了點讚按鈕的賈斯汀·羅森斯坦(justin Rosenstein)從手機上刪除了Facebook,並公開談及這個行業如何使用操縱受眾心理的廣告。Facebook前用戶增長事務負責人查馬斯·帕裡哈皮蒂亞(Chamath Palihapitiya)在12月表示,Facebook「撕裂了社會運轉的基本結構」。前Facebook平台運營經理桑迪·帕拉吉拉斯(Sandy Parakilas)週二在《華盛頓郵報》(The Washington Post)上撰文稱,必須讓Facebook首席執行官馬克·祖克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)「為他公司的疏忽負責」。
哈利斯說,對公司的忠誠開始出現裂痕,因為很多科技從業者被要求發展或保護他們質疑的產品。他的人道技術中心正就如何開發更合乎道德的產品為工程師提供資源,並在美國5.5萬所學校發起了一場名為「技術的真相」(The Truth About Tech)的教育活動。
矽谷的公司向來重視員工之間的保密和忠誠。他們經常是鍛煉、運動和一日三餐都在一起。Facebook尤其以關係緊密的團體而聞名。每個員工每年都會慶祝自己受雇於Facebook的週年紀念日。在Facebook,這個慣例被認為意義深刻,現場通常會有氣球。「直到前不久,還有人想當然地認為科技等於進步,科技等於美好,科技等於經濟實力,」講述矽谷歷史的《麻煩製造者》(Troublemakers)的作者萊斯莉·柏林(Leslie Berlin)說。
當然,不是所有人都持批評意見。和阿克頓一起創辦了WhatsApp的揚·庫姆(Jan Koum)是Facebook的董事會成員。他在該平台上依然非常活躍,經常發布支持川普總統和反對移民的消息。
「他們的確會大喊大叫,」馬克·祖克柏的早期投資者兼顧問羅傑·麥克奈米(Roger McNamee)說。他指的是Facebook領導層的應對方式。

WhatsApp co-founder tells everyone to delete Facebook
The Verge · 2 days ago

The New York Times Chinese -Traditional 紐約時報中文網
「是時候了。#deletefacebook,」Facebook數據洩露醜聞曝光後,WhatsApp的共同創辦人阿克頓在Twitter上反Facebook,這條推文被轉發了超過一萬次。 2014年,Facebook出價190億美元收購了他的公司,這筆交易讓他成為億萬富翁。


Apple's Tim Cook calls for more regulations on data privacy. Facebook crisis prompts Silicon Valley soul-searching

2018年3月23日 星期五

Apple, Google, IBM CEOs Head to China With Trade War

Apple, Google, IBM CEOs Head to China With Trade War ... - Bloomberg

23 hours ago - Leaders of Apple Inc., Google and other U.S. technology giants head to China this weekend to pursue a familiar goal: To do more business in the world's most populous nation. The effort has had mixed results, at best, in the past. With a trade war brewing between the world's two largest economies, the goal ...

【苹果谷歌IBM公司CEO周末前往中国 寻求在华更大商业机会】
美国 #苹果#谷歌 和 #IBM 等科技巨头的首席执行官(CEO)本周末前往中国,寻求一个熟悉的目标,那就是在中国这个世界人口最多的国家争取更多的商业机会。

2018年3月22日 星期四

Google Team:Important updates about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Important updates about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Dear Partner,
Over the past year we've shared how we are preparing to meet the requirements of the GDPR, the new data protection law coming into force on May 25, 2018. The GDPR affects European and non-European businesses using online advertising and measurement solutions when their sites and apps are accessed by users in the European Economic Area (EEA).
Today we are sharing more about our preparations for the GDPR, including our updated EU User Consent Policy, changes to our contract terms, and changes to our products, to help both you and Google meet the new requirements.
Updated EU User Consent Policy
Google's EU User Consent Policy is being updated to reflect the new legal requirements of the GDPR. It sets out your responsibilities for making disclosures to, and obtaining consents from, end users of your sites and apps in the EEA. The policy is incorporated into the contracts for most Google ads and measurement products globally.
Contract changes
We have been rolling out updates to our contractual terms for many products since last August, reflecting Google’s status as either data processor or data controller under the new law (see full classification of our Ads products). The new GDPR terms will supplement your current contract with Google and will come into force on May 25, 2018.
In the cases of DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP), DoubleClick Ad Exchange (AdX), AdMob, and AdSense, Google and its customers operate as independent controllers of personal data that is handled in these services. These new terms provide clarity over our respective responsibilities when handling that data and give both you and Google protections around that controller status. We are committing through these terms to comply with our obligations under GDPR when we use any personal data in connection with these services, and the terms require you to make the same commitment.
  • Shortly, we will introduce controller-controller terms for DFP and AdX for customers who have online terms.
  • By May 25, 2018 we will also introduce new terms for AdSense and AdMob for customers who have online terms.
If you use Google Analytics (GA), Attribution, Optimize, Tag Manager or Data Studio,whether the free or paid versions, Google operates as a processor of personal data that is handled in the service. Data processing terms for these products are already available for your acceptance (Admin → Account Settings pages). If you are an EEA client of Google Analytics,data processing will be included in your terms shortly. GA customers based outside the EEA and all GA 360 customers may accept the terms from within GA.
Product changes
To comply, and support your compliance with GDPR, we are:
  • Launching a solution to support publishers that want to show only non-personalized ads.
  • Launching new controls for DFP/AdX programmatic transactions, AdSense for Content, AdSense for Games, and AdMob to allow you to control which third parties measure and serve ads for EEA users on your sites and apps. We’ll send you more information about these tools in the coming weeks.
  • Taking steps to limit the processing of personal information for children under the GDPR Age of Consent in individual member states.
  • Launching new controls for Google Analytics customers to manage the retention and deletion of their data.
  • Exploring consent solutions for publishers, including working with industry groups like IAB Europe.
Find out more
You can refer to privacy.google.com/businesses to learn more about Google’s data privacy policies and approach, as well as view our data processing terms and data controller terms.
If you have any questions about this update, please don't hesitate to reach out to your account team or contact us through the Help Center. We will continue to share further information on our plans in the coming weeks.
The Google Team
