2019年5月31日 星期五

Justice Department is reportedly preparing antitrust probe of Google. Google Risks Massive Lawsuit Under California Law

Justice Department is reportedly preparing antitrust probe of Google
The U.S. Justice Department is planning an antitrust investigation into Alphabet's Google subsidiary, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.
With More Contractors Than Employees, Google Risks Massive Lawsuit Under California Law
Google works hard to keep the 121,000 contractors it employs separate from its permanent employees. The two groups wear different colored badges, ...

2019年5月29日 星期三

2019年5月19日 星期日

Exclusive: Google suspends some business with Huawei after Trump blacklist – source

Huawei will only be able to access the public version of Google’s Android mobile operating system and will lose access to apps and services such as Gmail.

.....對於華為來說,硬體或是其中的晶圓可以透過採購等模式處理,但軟體的更新與相關服務打擊是立即的,畢竟這與使用者的習慣息息相關,硬體需要軟體才能發揮相關作用──尤其是使用者習慣的模式。目前華為最有可能的方式,是透過自己的 App 商店更新使用者的手機應用,而根據華為本身的消息指出,該公司也已經在研擬相關的替代方案。
但根據調研機構 TrendForce 指出,華為已經擠下蘋果,成為全球第二大手機品牌廠,這樣的方式雖然成功給華為帶來一時的打擊,恐怕對整個 Android 生態系造成不可預計的影響與後果。

2019年5月2日 星期四

Da Vinci’s 500th anniversary of his death

Days before Leonardo da Vinci died in 1519, he said “I shall survive.” Learn about Da Vinci’s many contributions to the development of science and art on the 500th anniversary of his death in the #UNESCOCourierhttps://on.unesco.org/2KHd6mk #Leonardo500

Alphabet Inc.: Board of Directors. Eric Schmidt will leave Alphabet’s board after 18 years

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt will leave Alphabet’s board after 18 years

The Verge

View Alphabet Inc. Board of Directors profiles, including company insiders and other company BoardMembers.
