2007年8月30日 星期四
Who's afraid of Google? (The Economist )

The internet
Who's afraid of Google?
Aug 30th 2007
From The Economist print edition
The world's internet superpower faces testing times

RARELY if ever has a company risen so fast in so many ways as Google, the world's most popular search engine. This is true by just about any measure: the growth in its market value and revenues; the number of people clicking in search of news, the nearest pizza parlour or a satellite image of their neighbour's garden; the volume of its advertisers; or the number of its lawyers and lobbyists.
Such an ascent is enough to evoke concerns—both paranoid and justified. The list of constituencies that hate or fear Google grows by the week. Television networks, book publishers and newspaper owners feel that Google has grown by using their content without paying for it. Telecoms firms such as America's AT&T and Verizon are miffed that Google prospers, in their eyes, by free-riding on the bandwidth that they provide; and it is about to bid against them in a forthcoming auction for radio spectrum. Many small firms hate Google because they relied on exploiting its search formulas to win prime positions in its rankings, but dropped to the internet's equivalent of Hades after Google tweaked these algorithms.
And now come the politicians. Libertarians dislike Google's deal with China's censors. Conservatives moan about its uncensored videos. But the big new fear is to do with the privacy of its users. Google's business model (see article) assumes that people will entrust it with ever more information about their lives, to be stored in the company's “cloud” of remote computers. These data begin with the logs of a user's searches (in effect, a record of his interests) and his responses to advertisements. Often they extend to the user's e-mail, calendar, contacts, documents, spreadsheets, photos and videos. They could soon include even the user's medical records and precise location (determined from his mobile phone).
More JP Morgan than Bill Gates
Google is often compared to Microsoft (another enemy, incidentally); but its evolution is actually closer to that of the banking industry. Just as financial institutions grew to become repositories of people's money, and thus guardians of private information about their finances, Google is now turning into a custodian of a far wider and more intimate range of information about individuals. Yes, this applies also to rivals such as Yahoo! and Microsoft. But Google, through the sheer speed with which it accumulates the treasure of information, will be the one to test the limits of what society can tolerate.
It does not help that Google is often seen as arrogant. Granted, this complaint often comes from sour-grapes rivals. But many others are put off by Google's cocksure assertion of its own holiness, as if it merited unquestioning trust. This after all is the firm that chose “Don't be evil” as its corporate motto and that explicitly intones that its goal is “not to make money”, as its boss, Eric Schmidt, puts it, but “to change the world”. Its ownership structure is set up to protect that vision.
Ironically, there is something rather cloudlike about the multiple complaints surrounding Google. The issues are best parted into two cumuli: a set of “public” arguments about how to regulate Google; and a set of “private” ones for Google's managers, to do with the strategy the firm needs to get through the coming storm. On both counts, Google—contrary to its own propaganda—is much better judged as being just like any other “evil” money-grabbing company.
Grab the money
That is because, from the public point of view, the main contribution of all companies to society comes from making profits, not giving things away. Google is a good example of this. Its “goodness” stems less from all that guff about corporate altruism than from Adam Smith's invisible hand. It provides a service that others find very useful—namely helping people to find information (at no charge) and letting advertisers promote their wares to those people in a finely targeted way.
Given this, the onus of proof is with Google's would-be prosecutors to prove it is doing something wrong. On antitrust, the price that Google charges its advertisers is set by auction, so its monopolistic clout is limited; and it has yet to use its dominance in one market to muscle into others in the way Microsoft did. The same presumption of innocence goes for copyright and privacy. Google's book-search product, for instance, arguably helps rather than hurts publishers and authors by rescuing books from obscurity and encouraging readers to buy copyrighted works. And, despite Big Brotherish talk about knowing what choices people will be making tomorrow, Google has not betrayed the trust of its users over their privacy. If anything, it has been better than its rivals in standing up to prying governments in both America and China.
That said, conflicts of interest will become inevitable—especially with privacy. Google in effect controls a dial that, as it sells ever more services to you, could move in two directions. Set to one side, Google could voluntarily destroy very quickly any user data that it collects. That would assure privacy, but it would limit Google's profits from selling to advertisers information about what you are doing, and make those services less useful. If the dial is set to the other side and Google hangs on to the information, the services will be more useful, but some dreadful intrusions into privacy could occur.
The answer, as with banks in the past, must lie somewhere in the middle; and the right point for the dial is likely to change, as circumstances change. That will be the main public interest in Google. But, as the bankers (and Bill Gates) can attest, public scrutiny also creates a private challenge for Google's managers: how should they present their case?
One obvious strategy is to allay concerns over Google's trustworthiness by becoming more transparent and opening up more of its processes and plans to scrutiny. But it also needs a deeper change of heart. Pretending that, just because your founders are nice young men and you give away lots of services, society has no right to question your motives no longer seems sensible. Google is a capitalist tool—and a useful one. Better, surely, to face the coming storm on that foundation, than on a trite slogan that could be your undoing.
2007年8月29日 星期三
Don't email me about Google's wheeze for targeted advertising
Read me first
Don't email me about Google's wheeze for targeted advertising
wheeze | (v.) | breathe with difficulty |
wheeze | (n.) | breathing with a husky or whistling sound |
wheeze | (n.) | (Briticism) a clever or amusing scheme or trick : "a clever wheeze probably succeeded in neutralizing the German espionage threat" |
- Nicholas Carr
- The Guardian
- Thursday August 30 2007
If a series of recent patent filings by Google are any indication, web advertising may be about to get a whole lot friendlier - and the definition of spam a whole lot fuzzier. Google's system for selling and distributing advertisements tied to search results has been fabulously lucrative. In the first six months of this year, the scheme, which encompasses the AdWords auction and the AdSense publishing network, brought in close to $4bn (£2bn) in revenue and more than $1bn in profits.
But the automated system is far from perfect. Despite the great sophistication of Google's software, the vast majority of the adverts the company serves up are ignored by web surfers. Either they don't see the ads, or they see them but don't click on them.
But Google wants to change that. Its patent applications point to a new, much more personal way of delivering advertising. Unlike AdWords and AdSense, the method relies not just on software algorithms but on manual labour and individual judgment.
Ordinary people would select ads, or ad themes, and Google would then insert the adverts into their emails, instant messages and other personal communications. You and I, in short, would help Google to get the right ads in front of the right people at the right time.
The system, as described in the patent filings, has three major components. The first is what Google researchers call "a universal distributed search system [that] allows users to find and distribute search results (possibly including advertisements) to those with whom they communicate".
Google has seen that when people write emails or other messages, they often include links to related information on the internet.
The tool described in the patent would automate the discovery and inclusion of such references, making the process simpler and faster. In essence, it provides a new way for Google to distribute search results - not from search engine to user but from friend to friend.
That would also give Google information about the content of personal messages. The system's second component uses that information as the basis for a tool that allows people to insert related ads into their emails and other communications. The ads could either be inserted automatically, as in the AdSense system, or chosen individually by the sender.
Google provides an example of how that might work: a woman "sends an email to members of her book club informing the members of what next month's book is". Under its scenario, she includes in the email some Google search results such as a picture of the book cover or a link to an online review. When her friends open the email, Google automatically inserts "content-relevant ads" into the message. These ads might include an Amazon one "offering free shipping for purchases made in the next 48 hours".
The final component is a reward system to provide people with incentives to include ads in their personal communications.
As Google explains it, the rewards could include cash payments, credits for future product purchases, or "an enhanced reputation or reputation increase" - whatever that means. Google would, in effect, pay us to pitch ads to our friends and acquaintances.
It's an ingenious system, but there's something repugnant about it. It seems to blur the line between personal messages and spam. Do we really want our friends to send us ads along with their news or greetings? Do we want to be personal ad syndicators ourselves, earning money according to how adept we are at pitching ads to our mates?
Google's automated ad delivery system has been enormously successful, generating huge revenues and profits for the company. But the automatic targeting of ads remains imperfect.
The new system would help solve that problem - but it might well result in the distribution of more and "more relevant" adverts, giving a further boost to its earnings. But it would also mean the injection of commerce, and commercial motives, into the most intimate of electronic communications.
Nicholas Carr's next book will be The Big Switch. He blogs at roughtype.com
· If you'd like to comment on any aspect of Technology Guardian, send your emails to tech@guardian.co.uk
2007年8月28日 星期二
Google 首席財務長將辭職
Kevin J. Delaney
2007年8月25日 星期六
upload videos to Blogger
Google Inc.'s Blogger team this week solved a technical problem with the blog publishing and hosting service and introduced a new feature that gives publishers the ability to upload videos to their sites.
An undetermined number of Blogger publishers had trouble performing various editing and posting operations on Monday and Tuesday, but by Wednesday the problem had been solved.
2007年8月22日 星期三
Google News Alert for: google
Google shifts its sights into the heavens
Times Online - UK
Google, having brought the Earth into our living rooms, has turned its eye to the heavens to bring us the sky at night. About 250 million people have used ...
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Google Paid Lobbyist $140000 in 2007
Forbes - NY,USA
AP 08.22.07, 6:49 PM ET Search site operator Google Inc. paid King & Spalding LLP $140000 in the first half of 2007 to lobby the federal government on its ...
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Move over Google, Vmware's chasing talent anew
InfoWorld - San Francisco,CA,USA
... after the very talent that has been, for the most part, monopolized in the area by Google," David Marshall relates in this Virtualization Report post. ...
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Google Reverses, to Offer Video Refunds
Forbes - NY,USA
By ANICK JESDANUN 08.22.07, 2:37 PM ET Responding to customer complaints, Google Inc. has decided to offer full refunds to users who had bought video ...
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Google Likely to Bid on 700 MHz Spectrum
InternetNews.com - USA
By Roy Mark Google tipped its hand Tuesday evening that it is still interested in participating in the January 700 MHz spectrum auction. ...
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Google Puts Ads In YouTube Videos
InformationWeek - Manhasset,NY,USA
Google is now selling overlay advertising on a limited number of YouTube videos to a select group of partners at a cost of $20 per 1000 viewers. ...
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Why Google Exec. is 'Intrigued' by Facebook
InternetNews.com - USA
At least one Google executive isn't afraid to say she likes Facebook. Marissa Mayer, the search giant's vice president of search products and user ...
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Google's Mayer talks iPhone, Facebook
CNET News.com - San Francisco,CA,USA
Marissa Mayer, Google's vice president of search products and user experience, likes her iPhone and she's a big fan of social networks, especially Facebook. ...
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Google Market Share Larger than Thought
PC Magazine - USA
Google's massive market share got a bigger pad now that comScore considers searches on Wikipedia and Amazon, among others. By Clint Boulton Google's share ...
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Outage Hits Google's Blogs
PC World - USA
Google Inc.'s Blogger blog publishing and Blogspot blog hosting services went offline earlier Wednesday. Among the organizations affected by this apparently ...
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Google Inc.'s Blogger blog publishing and Blogspot blog hosting services went offline earlier Wednesday. Among the organizations affected by this apparently widespread outage was Google itself, which hosts its official company blogs on Blogspot.
Blogger publishers have posted a rising volume of complaints on the official Blogger discussion forum since Monday, reporting problems editing, publishing and accessing blogs.
However, things apparently took a turn for the worst on Wednesday morning U.S. Eastern Time, when Blogger and Blogspot apparently went totally offline.
Checks on Blogger.com and a variety of Blogspot-hosted blogs by IDG News Service staff in different parts of the U.S. and Europe returned server error messages, confirming reports from users in the Blogger discussion forum.
Blogger and Blogspot came back online at around 11 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time. The outage apparently lasted over one hour. However, many Blogger publishers have been reporting error messages when trying to perform a variety of operations at least since Monday.
Google didn't respond to a query on Tuesday about the complaints piling up in the discussion forum, nor did it reply to a request for comment on Wednesday morning about the service's outage.
2007年8月21日 星期二
作者:英国《金融时报》安德鲁•埃奇克利夫-约翰逊(Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson)伦敦报道 |
2007年8月22日 星期三 |
谷歌(Google)今日将为其YouTube视频共享网站推出一个新的广告模式。谷歌声称,新模式的效率比其现有的其它任何模式都高出5到10倍。 YouTube将引入半透明的动画“叠层”——在每个视频片断开始几秒钟后,叠层会出现在视频窗口下面五分之一的位置,点击后,可显示完整的广告。 这家美国搜索巨头希望,新模式将有助于解答投资者关于YouTube商业模式的问题。这个热门网站声称拥有1亿用户,但从未透露过收入和利润方面的细节。 |
China Factor
這是有點不可思議的 應該請Google的人解釋並解決...
三月來Google Apps的進展 或可稱為"神速"
Gmail driving Google Apps adoption at college
By Todd Haselton | Published: August 19, 2007 - 05:17PM CT
Google's plan for world domination includes convincing colleges and universities to adopt its Google Apps Education Edition suite, and it's showing signs of success thanks to the seemingly ubiquitous appreciation of Gmail. As for the productivity apps, Microsoft is still sitting comfortably in the driver's seat, and interest from schools in Google's offering appears only lukewarm.
Related Stories
Five American universities have signed on with Google, and several international schools have hopped on as well. A recurring theme to their decision-making: students like Google's mail service and are asking for it by name.
Such is what we've heard from a handful of schools we contacted to talk about their adoption of Google web-based office suite. Five of the US schools participating in the initiative are the University of North Carolina Greensboro, Clemson University, the University of Texas San Antonio, Kennesaw State University, and Arkansas State University.
Gmail is what they know and want
Ars spoke with Steven Lareau, the IT chair for Clemson's student advisory council. According to Lareau, Clemson previously "had an awful web-based e-mail system" (SquirrelMail). Lareau says that they compared Microsoft's Outlook/Exchange combo with Gmail, and Gmail came out on top.
"We found that 25% of the students were already forwarding their e-mails to Gmail, which was more reliable, offered more storage, and had better accessibility than what existed," he said. While Clemson faculty and staff will stick to using Microsoft Exchange as their groupware solution, Lareau said that students found that Google offered more of what was important to them: an easy-to-use system, loaded with storage, and with supporting web-based apps such as Google Calendar. Lareau also indicated that getting up and running with Google was nearly effortless, saying that a conference call basically set the wheels in motion.
Of course, the adoption of Google Apps doesn't mean that Microsoft Office is necessarily doomed on campus. Clemson is still footing the bill for a licensing deal that allows them to provide students with Microsoft Office at a discounted rate. Lareau said, "We still have a Microsoft Office license. In fact, I got Office 2007 yesterday for $12 from school." Lareau wasn't sure whether Clemson would continue to use Microsoft Office "two to five years down the road," though.
Ars also spoke with Clemson vice president and chief information officer Jim Bottum, who said the "commitment is on Google. It's a win-win way all around for both the University and for Google. It's all about the students and we're excited to offer them something they've been asking for." While the school is implementing the entire Google Apps suite, the real focus is on improving the existing e-mail experience for students.
Best of all, the service costs Clemson nothing, and Lareau believes that Google will eat the costs because "as soon as the students leave school, they'll continue to use Gmail." That is, Google believes that it will retain a high percentage of these users, who will then be more eyeballs for advertising in later years. As long as Gmail is supported by Clemson, which Lareau believes will last at least 3 to 5 years, the students will not see advertisements in their inboxes. After they graduate, the ads will be back.
Some schools still evaluating
考古: 看這三月來Google Apps的進展 或可稱為"神速"
Google Apps: 1 percent revenue; 33 percent motto
By John McBride | Published: May 11, 2007 - 11:28AM CT
The gloves are off. Google’s cutting the "but we’re just a search engine" crap and declaring loudly what everyone already knows: They want to eat Microsoft’s lunch. Or more accurately, they want to eat the rest of Microsoft’s lunch—since they’re already fat on search and advertising. Yesterday at the annual shareholder meeting, CEO Eric Schmidt unveiled the new corporate motto: "Search, Ads, and Apps."
That’s "apps" as in Docs & Spreadsheets, Calendar, Gmail, Picasa, Earth, and so on and so on. Then there are the packages: Google Apps For Your Domain and the recent Google Apps Premier Edition. That's a bunch of apps. But all of them put together don't add more than 1 percent to the company’s revenue.
By unveiling the new tagline, I guess Schmidt is putting his mouth where he'd like his money to be. Google has huge resources and an envious, albeit short, track record. The future may well belong to them. But the Goliath in the apps division is clearly Microsoft, and it will take more than a new tagline to dislodge Office from the office.
2007年8月18日 星期六
Google Wins the Most Hearts on the Web
The Count
Google Wins the Most Hearts on the Web
It is not enough to be able to state your favorite movie, your favorite song or your favorite color. In the 21st century, you should also be ready to answer this question: What’s your favorite Internet brand?
That is what JupiterResearch did recently in a survey, and it should come as no surprise that Google won this popularity contest. Next in line was Yahoo, followed by Amazon, eBay and MySpace.
Yahoo, which has been less able than Google to translate its strong brand recognition into strong financial growth, may want to take note: results varied by gender. “Yahoo fans skew female but tend toward the mainstream, while Google fans are more likely to be male, a little more wealthy, and influential on the subject of consumer electronics, “ Jupiter states.
MySpace, the social networking site, was as popular as Google and Yahoo among the younger set (ages 18 to 24). But among all adults, it is highly unlikely to unseat Google as the “Gone With the Wind” 小說/電影 {飄}of the Internet age.
2007年8月17日 星期五
簡介 Google News Alert for: google
不過 我今天和昨天都碰到很不容易 loading 我的gmail和 bloggers的事
對我這QUALITY WORLD的人 第一篇最有意思 值得一錄
August 17, 2007
Google Opens Click-Fraud Resource Center
By Nicholas Carlson
Google today announced it's created a new Web site to serve as the single source for all click-fraud and ad traffic-quality-related information.
The Ad Traffic Quality Resource Center features an overview of what click fraud is and what Google's doing about it, a Help Center for detailed FAQs and multimedia presentations and a section called "Tech Talk," which features in-depth articles and blog posts written by its engineering team and other experts in the field.
Just over a year and a half ago, Google CEO Eric Schmidt hypothesized that click fraud might not be such a big deal.
"Let's imagine for purposes of argument that click fraud were not policed by Google and it were rampant," Schmidt said at the SIEPR conference at Stanford University in March 2006.
"Eventually the price that the advertiser is willing to pay for the conversion will decline because the advertiser will realize that these are bad clicks.
"In other words, the value of the ad declines. So, over some amount of time, the system is, in fact, self-correcting. In fact, there is a perfect economic solution, which is to let it happen."
Google eventually changed its public stance on click fraud.
Last August, the company, along with Microsoft , Yahoo, Ask.com and LookSmart, formed the Click Measurement Working Group under the aegis of the Interactive Advertising Bureau and in conjunction with the Media Rating Council.
Google's enthusiasm for such a group wasn't surprising. Advertisers sued the search giant and won a $90 million settlement that was approved a week before the formation of the group.
Since then, the company's take on the issue has more or less echoed the language found in the new resource center, where click fraud "refers to clicks generated with malicious or fraudulent intent."
Google said it and fellow members from the Click Measurement Working Group will form a panel at this year's Search Engine Strategies show in San Jose. Shuman Ghosemajumder, business product manager for Google Trust & Safety, will be speaking. Google Opens Click-Fraud Resource Center
InternetNews.com - USA
By Nicholas Carlson Google today announced it's created a new Web site to serve as the single source for all click-fraud and ad traffic-quality-related ...
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VMware Shares Soar In Top Tech Debut Since Google
DABCC.com (press release) - Sarasota,FL,USA
... valuing the company at about $20 billion in the biggest technology trading debut since Web search leader Google Inc. went public in 2004. ...
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Google kremlinology
Globe and Mail - Canada
When Google started including Sun Microsystems' StarOffice productivity suite with its Google Pack earlier this week, it did so, as the Soviets used to do ...
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下兩則是美國航空公司控告Google的廣告方式侵犯其權益 不知道為什麼沒收在一起
Airline Sues Google Over Keyword Ads
The Age - Melbourne,Victoria,Australia
American Airlines is suing Google Inc. over the Internet company's sale of keywords ads for rivals triggered by its own trademarks. American filed a lawsuit ...
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American in dispute with Google
Bizjournals.com - Charlotte,NC,USA
American Airlines has sued Google Inc. over "sponsored ads" that appear when a keyword search using American Airlines trademarks are done on Google. ...
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Google Gets Family Guy Creator
InternetNews.com - USA
By Nicholas Carlson Kim Malone, the Google executive in charge of online sales and operations for Google AdSense, doesn't own a TV. And why should she? ...
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UPDATE: American Air Sues Google For Tying Ads To Trademarks
CNNMoney.com - USA
s (AMR) American Airlines is suing Google Inc. (GOOG) over the Internet company's sale of keyword ads for rivals triggered by American's own trademarks. ...
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American Airlines Sues Google Over Search Words
InformationWeek - Manhasset,NY,USA
The airline accuses Google of violating trademark laws with its practice of selling search terms such as "American Airlines" or "AA.com" to other companies ...
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American Airlines sues Google over use of trademarks
Houston Chronicle - United States
A Google visitor who enters certain words or phrases that American trademarked -- for example, Aadvantage, the name of its frequent-flier program -- will get ...
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Google leases big office complex in Kirkland
Seattle Post Intelligencer - USA
By TODD BISHOP Google is pitching a bigger tent in Microsoft's backyard, and Yahoo is eying the area, as well. In a nod to the strength of the Seattle ...
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2007年8月16日 星期四
首先,Google已經註冊一個Gbrowser.com網域名稱,這使得人們相信Google對瀏覽器有相當興趣;另一方面,Google 執行長Eric Schmidt 過去曾表示,如果對用戶有利,Google將開發一款瀏覽器。
最近,Google發佈一個在瀏覽器中執行Google Earth版本,降低對Google Earth應用套裝軟體的依賴。除Google Earth、文書處理、試算表、簡報軟體,以及許多其他仍然在開發中的瀏覽器應用軟體,Google還極有可能在開發它自己的瀏覽器。
在做出任何判斷前,值得指出的是,Google對Firefox瀏覽器的開發有很大的影響力,Google的應用軟體幾乎可以獲得Firefox的全力支 援。至少,Firefox能夠提供外掛/plug-ins。從某種意義上來說,我們可以說Google在一定意義上已經「擁有」Firefox。
2007年8月15日 星期三
Hotmail 信箱容量等問題不大 但...
最近hotmail 更新有擴充容量
所謂台灣 "450萬用戶受惠" 似乎相當誇張
one up and one-upmanship
東森新聞報 -
如果你是Hotmail用戶,可能會發現信箱容量悄悄變大了!微軟近日再度更新Windows Live服務,其中,Hotmail免費信箱容量一口氣從2GB提升至5GB,付費用戶則有10GB空間,台灣也從今天(15日)起陸續分批升級,預計8月底前全面完成作業。 面對Yahoo!免費信箱容量無上限、Google ...
微軟Hotmail免費空間增至5G 超越谷歌Gmail
Hotmail 調升免費容量至5GB
微軟測試Windows Live新介面用戶已超3億
力拚Gmail和Yahoo信箱Hotmail可免費用Outlook收發信 東森新聞報 - 電子信箱容量均無上限,僅2GB的Hotmail雖敵不過,倒也有「變相」讓容量免費變大的做法!微軟宣布推出Microsoft Office Outlook Connector試用版,凡是Outlook 2003及Outlook 2007用戶,即日起不用年繳690元就能以Outlook收發Hotmail信件,同步更新郵件與連絡人資料。 ... |
聯合新聞網 -
即日起不用開啟微軟的MSN,直接在Outlook下一樣可以接收來自Hotmail的信件,全台灣近400萬Hotmail使用者不用開啟IE瀏覽器就能收信和發信。 微軟這次「大放送」主要是Google和Yahoo的信箱無限大,但Hotmail只有2GB上限,Outlook接收Hotmail信件後,讓Hotmail隨時保持2GB的 ...
谷歌 v 百度
儘管谷歌的在華業務表現有所改善﹐但花旗集團(Citigroup Inc.)亞洲媒體業研究主管賈森•布呂斯克(Jason Brueschke)仍建議投資者買進百度公司的股票。他說
我注意到gmail 最上頭 有 Yahoo新聞.....
2007年8月14日 星期二
Why Google Inspires Diverging Case Studies
當然 負責 哈佛大學Google個案研究的老師持保留態度
Why Google Inspires Diverging Case Studies
WHAT A RUN for Google Inc. In its first nine years, it has built the dominant Internet-search engine, redefined advertising world-wide and jolted dozens of old-media companies. When Microsoft Corp. was this age, it hadn't yet gone public. By contrast, Google already boasts a $160 billion market capitalization.
Now for the hard call: Is Google rewriting the rules of good management from top to bottom, in ways that every executive ought to study? Or is it just enjoying the rewards of a single well-timed breakthrough, whose success can't camouflage the typical headaches and missteps of a fast-growing young company?
Expect ...
Yahoo Beats Google in ACSI Report
Yahoo Beats Google in ACSI Report
Yahoo captured the top spot from rival Google for the first time in the University of Michigan's American Customer Satisfaction Index report on electronic-business Web sites.
Dr. Google and Dr. Microsoft
讀了紐約時報 這篇 才知道Google Health 的相關信息
In politics, every serious candidate for the White House has a health care plan. So too in business, where the two leading candidates for Web supremacy, Google and Microsoft, are working up their plans to improve the nation’s health care.

Adam Bosworth, the leader of Google’s health care initiative.
By combining better Internet search tools, the vast resources of the Web and online personal health records, both companies are betting they can enable people to make smarter choices about their health habits and medical care.
“What’s behind this is the mass consumerization of health information,” said Dr. David J. Brailer, the former health information technology coordinator in the Bush administration, who now heads a firm that invests in health ventures.
It is too soon to know whether either Google or Microsoft will make real headway. Health care, experts note, is a field where policy, regulation and entrenched interests tend to slow the pace of change, and technology companies have a history of losing patience.
And for most people, typing an ailment into a Web search engine is very different from entrusting a corporate titan with personal information about their health.
Google and Microsoft recognize the obstacles, and they concede that changing health care will take time. But the companies see the potential in attracting a large audience for health-related advertising and services. And both companies bring formidable advantages to the consumer market for such technology.
Microsoft’s software animates more than 90 percent of all personal computers, while Google is the default starting point for most health searches. And people are increasingly turning to their computers and the Web for health information and advice. A Harris poll, published last month, found that 52 percent of adults sometimes or frequently go to the Web for health information, up from 29 percent in 2001.
If the efforts of the two big companies gain momentum over time, that promises to accelerate a shift in power to consumers in health care, just as Internet technology has done in other industries.
Today, about 20 percent of the nation’s patient population have computerized records — rather than paper ones — and the Bush administration has pushed the health care industry to speed up the switch to electronic formats. But these records still tend to be controlled by doctors, hospitals or insurers. A patient moves to another state, for example, but the record usually stays.
The Google and Microsoft initiatives would give much more control to individuals, a trend many health experts see as inevitable. “Patients will ultimately be the stewards of their own information,” said John D. Halamka, a doctor and the chief information officer of the Harvard Medical School.
Already the Web is allowing people to take a more activist approach to health. According to the Harris survey, 58 percent of people who look online for health information discussed what they found with their doctors in the last year.
It is common these days, Dr. Halamka said, for a patient to come in carrying a pile of Web page printouts. “The doctor is becoming a knowledge navigator,” he said. “In the future, health care will be a much more collaborative process between patients and doctors.”
Microsoft and Google are hoping this will lead people to seek more control over their own health records, using tools the companies will provide. Neither company will discuss their plans in detail. But Microsoft’s consumer-oriented effort is scheduled to be announced this fall, while Google’s has been delayed and will probably not be introduced until next year, according to people who have been briefed on the companies’ plans.
A prototype of Google Health, which the company has shown to health professionals and advisers, makes the consumer focus clear. The welcome page reads, “At Google, we feel patients should be in charge of their health information, and they should be able to grant their health care providers, family members, or whomever they choose, access to this information. Google Health was developed to meet this need.”
A presentation of screen images from the prototype — which two people who received it showed to a reporter — then has 17 other Web pages including a “health profile” for medications, conditions and allergies; a personalized “health guide” for suggested treatments, drug interactions and diet and exercise regimens; pages for receiving reminder messages to get prescription refills or visit a doctor; and directories of nearby doctors.
Google executives would not comment on the prototype, other than to say the company plans to experiment and see what people want. “We’ll make mistakes and it will be a long-range march,” said Adam Bosworth, a vice president of engineering and leader of the health team. “But it’s also true that some of what we’re doing is expensive, and for Google it’s not.”
At Microsoft, the long-term goal is similarly ambitious. “It will take grand scale to solve these problems like the data storage, software and networking needed to handle vast amounts of personal health and medical information,” said Steve Shihadeh, general manager of Microsoft’s health solutions group. “So there are not many companies that can do this.”
This year, Microsoft bought a start-up, Medstory, whose search software is tailored for health information, and last year bought a company that makes software for retrieving and displaying patient information in hospitals. Microsoft software is already used in hospitals, clinical laboratories and doctors’ offices, and, Mr. Shihadeh noted, the three most popular health record systems in doctors’ offices are built with Microsoft software and programming tools.
Microsoft will not disclose its product plans, but according to people working with the company the consumer effort will include online offerings as well as software to find, retrieve and store personal health information on personal computers, cellphones and other kinds of digital devices — perhaps even a wristwatch with wireless Internet links some day.
Mr. Shihadeh declined to discuss specifics, but said, “We’re building a broad consumer health platform, and we view this challenge as far bigger than a personal health record, which is just scratching the surface.”
Yet personal health records promise to be a thorny challenge for practical and privacy reasons. To be most useful, a consumer-controlled record would include medical and treatment records from doctors, hospitals, insurers and laboratories. Under federal law, people can request and receive their personal health data within 90 days. But the process is complicated, and the replies typically come on paper, as photocopies or faxes.
The efficient way would be for that data to be sent over the Internet into a person’s digital health record. But that would require partnerships and trust between health care providers and insurers and the digital record-keepers.
Privacy concerns are another big obstacle, as both companies acknowledge. Most likely, they say, trust will build slowly, and the online records will include as much or as little personal information as users are comfortable divulging.
A person might start, for example, by typing in age, gender and a condition, like diabetes, as a way to find more personalized health information. If a person creates a personal health record and later has second thoughts, a simple mouse click should erase it. The promise, the companies say, will be complete consumer control.
There are plenty of competitors these days in online health records and information from start-ups like Revolution Health, headed by AOL’s founder, Stephen M. Case, and thriving profit-makers led by WebMD.
Potential rivals are not underestimating the two technology giants. But the smaller companies have the advantage of being focused entirely on health, and some have been around for years. WebMD, for example, traces its lineage to Healtheon, a fallen star of the dot-com era, founded by the Netscape billionaire Jim Clark.
Google and Microsoft are great companies, said Wayne T. Gattinella, WebMD’s chief executive, but “that doesn’t mean they will be expert in a specific area like health.”
Specialized health search engines — notably Healthline — are gaining ground and adding partners. AOL recently began using Healthline for searches on its health pages, even though Google is a close partner.
Still, 58 percent of people seeking health information online begin with a general search engine, according to a recent Jupiter Research report, and Google dominates the field. “Google is the entry point for most health search, and that is a huge advantage,” said Monique Levy, a Jupiter analyst.
Indeed, it is the market reach and deep pockets that Google and Microsoft can bring to consumer health information that intrigues medical experts, and has lured recruits. Dr. Roni Zeiger, a graduate of Stanford’s School of Medicine, a medical informatics researcher and a former primary care doctor, joined Google last year. The 36-year-old, who still sees patients some evenings and weekends at a nearby clinic, said, “At Google, I can use my expertise and knowledge to potentially help millions of people each day.”
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2007年8月13日 星期一
Google plans to stop selling television shows on its homegrown video site.
Published: August 11, 2007
After buying the video-sharing site YouTube nine months ago for $1.65 billion, Google plans to stop selling television shows on its homegrown video site.
The company will stop offering download-to-own and download-to-rent programs on Wednesday, according to an e-mail message sent to customers yesterday. Google started selling shows like ”Survivor” in January 2006.
Google’s decision to close the retail part of its video site indicates the company had less success selling content than attracting advertising spending, which accounts for 99 percent of revenue. The purchase of YouTube, where the videos are all free, catapulted Google from seventh to first among video-sharing providers on the Web.
2007年8月10日 星期五
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網路搜尋的龍頭Google最近招收「商家推薦業務代表」,只要把美國各地在地商家的公開業務資訊成功告知Google,並附上照片,就可以得到十美元(約台幣三百卅元)的報酬。 「商家推薦業務代表」是Google「在地商家推薦計畫」的重要一環,只要記載每一家在地小型商店的營業時間,付款方式、營業項目等基本資訊,然後上傳 Google。若是Google確認上傳的資訊正確,業務代表就可以得到兩美元,等到商家也確認正確,就可以再得到八美元。 Google會將蒐集到的資訊,配合Google地圖的搜尋結果,讓使用Google地圖服務的網友更容易找到所需的資訊。 Google說,透過這個服務,在地商家也多了曝光管道,對地方商業更有幫助。 一個美國小型城鎮,約有至少近百家在地商店,大城市如紐約、芝加哥或洛杉磯的在地商家更多如牛毛,對美國人來說,只要下班或中午休息時多花一點時間,就可以利用這個計畫賺取相當優厚的收入。 |
Google Offers Fee-Based Storage Rental
pack rat or packrat.
Google is offering Gmail and Picasa Web Albums users the chance to purchase additional storage when they reach the limit of that the company supplies with its free services.
Google presently offers Gmail users 2.82GB of free storage with their account. Picasa users get 1GB of storage.
Now the company is offering up to 250GB of storage for a fee. The storage can be applied against Gmail and Picasa at the moment, and the company plans to make the extra storage count against its other services (Including Docs & Spreadsheets) in future.
Plans start at US$20 per year for 6GB of space, rising to $500 per year for 250GB of online storage.
Google Offers Fee-Based Storage Rental
Gmail and Picasa Web Albums users now may purchase additional storage from Google when they reach their limit on free services.
Jonny Evans, Macworld
2007年8月9日 星期四
Misquoted? Hit back with Google
Google lets subjects of news stories comment on articles about them
International Herald Tribune - France
AP SAN FRANCISCO: Google is giving the subjects of news stories a way to comment on articles written about them. The online search leader introduced an ...
Misquoted? Hit back with Google
By Emma Thelwell
Google has launched a new service allowing people that are quoted, or mentioned, in news stories the right to reply to the articles.
In a move that will no doubt please anyone ever misquoted by a journalist, the comments are to be published alongside the article for all to see.
The search engine has begun the experimental service on its US Google News homepage, its central news page which displays stories from the world's media. If the trial proves successful, it will be rolled out in other languages and editions.
Dan Meredith and Andy Golding, software engineers from the Google news team, revealed the group's plans in a blog.
Promising "perspectives about the news from people in the news", they added: "Our long-term vision is that any participant will be able to send in their comments, and we'll show them next to the articles. Comments will be published in full, without any edits."
They will be marked as "comments", in order to distinguish them from the journalists article.
However, the group raised fears that the new service could invite bogus comments from people posing as others. While it promised to "work with each author to confirm their identity individually" - by the traditional methods of contacting the organisation affiliated with the author, contacting local officials, or collaborating with journalists - it did admit "no method is foolproof". In which case, anyone wrongly attributed should contact news-comments@google.com.
Mr Meredith and Mr Golding said the service, "reader comments with a bit of a twist", would "test the hypothesis that a personal view can sometimes add a whole new dimension to the story".
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