2015年3月13日 星期五

How GitHub Conquered Google, Microsoft, and Everyone Else

  1. [舊金山現場] 再度拜訪章魚貓的家:GitHub 總部 3.0

  2. GitHub - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    GitHub is a web-based Git repository hosting service, which offers all of the distributed revision control and source code management (SCM) functionality of Git ...
    Written in: Ruby
    Founder(s): Tom Preston-Werner; Chris ...

  3. In the news
  4. Image for the news result
    But then GitHub came along and spread it faster. Today, Google announced that after ten ...
  5. Google Code is shutting down because everyone loves GitHub
    Engadget - 17 hours ago
  6. Google Open Source Blog: Bidding farewell to Google Code
    Google Open Source Blog - Blogger - 2 days ago

