2013年6月13日 星期四

Twitter, Facebook hashtag, Apple E-Book negotiator

Twitter is Testing More Tools for Tracking Tweets



下火車,「歐斯本」和「尤斯頓」等詞就已成為推特熱門主題標籤 (hashtag),還有網友用「倫敦火車大勢利眼」(The Great Train Snobbery)和「永不肯花錢的保守黨」(The Never-Spending Tory)等雙關語來嘲笑他。

  • hashtag  
  • n. (on social networking websites such as Twitter) a hash or pound sign (#) used to identify a particular keyword or phrase in a posting.
  •  A hashtag is a word or a phrase prefixed with the symbol #,[1][2] a form of metadata tag. Short messages on microblogging social networking services such as Twitter, Tout, identi.ca, Tumblr, Instagram, or Google+ may be tagged by including one or more with multiple words concatenated, e.g.:
    #Wikipedia is an #encyclopedia
    Hashtags provide a means of grouping such messages, since one can search for the hashtag and get the set of messages that contain it.

Facebook Unveils Hashtags for Real-Time Public Conversations

Apple Negotiator Defends Tactics in E-Book Trial
Eddy Cue, a senior vice president for Apple, denied that the company colluded with publishers to fix e-book prices.

