【日經BP社報導】 美國谷歌(Google)宣佈,該公司已經就收購從事網際網路安全及數據加密的美國Postini,與該公司達成了最終協議(英文發佈資料)。收購額為6億2500萬美元,谷歌將以現金的形式支付。通過此次收購,Postini將成為谷歌的全資子公司。收購預定於2007年第三季度末結束。
谷歌表示,Google Apps目前雖然已經得到了10萬家以上企業的採用
"Postini's founding vision is to bring to market technology solutions that address enterprise messaging problems in a different way. Our on-demand offering liberates businesses from the burdens associated with traditional on-premise solutions. We are proud of what we have
done to achieve our vision on behalf of our customers, and combining Google and Postini is a powerful next step in this creative journey," said Scott Petry, Founder, Chief Technical Officer, and Executive Vice President of Product Development at Postini.
on-premise software
On-premise software refers to the use of a executable computer program (software) installed on the premises (in the building) of the person or organisation using such software.
This approach to deploying and using business software was the preferred approach for most firms until around 2005 when alternative models became widely available and adopted. These alternative models typically used the internet to remove the need for the user to install
any software on-premise and had other accompanying benefits (see Saas, on-demand and saasu).
Since the advent of these alternative more efficient models, on-premise software has also been more commonly referred to as 'old-style' software although some industries still consider it the
preferred model for specific purposes such as banking, finance and defense which prefer the ability to supervise and secure their data on-premises they own or control.