2020年6月20日 星期六

After 15 Years, Apple Prepares to Break Up With Intel

After using Intel chips for 15 years, Apple is all set to break up with the chip-maker. The Mac desktops Apple is going to announce at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) that kicks off on June 22, will not be using Intel chips anymore.8 時間前

Apple is breaking up with Intel, after 15 years - HT Tech
tech.hindustantimes.com › laptops-pc › news › apple-is...


After 15 Years, Apple Prepares to Break Up With Intel - The ...
www.nytimes.com › technology › ap...

After 15 Years, Apple Prepares to Break Up With Intel. Apple could announce plans as soon as Monday to replace Intel processors in Macs with chips that it designed itself.

