2019年4月5日 星期五

Facebook sued by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development over the way it let advertisers purposefully target their ads by race, gender, and religion臉書公司周二確認它跟華為、聯想、OPPO、TCL四家中國電信集團簽署了數據分享協議,並且承認有部分用戶數據已被分享給這四家公司

"Facebook的算法使歧視永久化。 正如我們之前所討論的,所有算法都有偏見 - 而且Facebook也不例外。
就在上週,這家科技巨頭被美國住房和城市發展部起訴,因為它讓廣告商根據美國法律有針對性地按種族,性別和宗教方式定制廣告。 該公司還宣布,此後它將禁用此功能。"
Facebook’s algorithm is perpetuating discrimination. As we’ve discussed before, all algorithms are biased—and Facebook’s is no exception.
Just last week, the tech giant was sued by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development over the way it let advertisers purposefully target their ads by race, gender, and religion—all protected classes under US law. The company also announced that it would henceforth disable this ability.

RFI 華語 - 法國國際廣播電台


