2011年12月22日 星期四

Browser Search Deal and others

2011 年末 在台灣的電視看過Google自己的Chrome 的廣告

我的貢獻也許是每天的blogs 娛樂500-800人......G公司學會發正體字的信了




Google 全體員工在此致上最深的謝意,感謝您一直以來持續與 Google 合作,並祝您闔家新年快樂。

– Google 小組敬上

The search giant will pay just under $300 million per year to be the default choice in Mozilla's Firefox browser, a huge jump from its previous arrangement.

Using Google's Data to Reach Consumers
New York Times
THE viruses that Google researchers usually focus on are those that strike computers, but in recent years, they have studied those that infect people, too. Google correlated billions of flu-related Web searches from 2003 to 2008 with actual Centers for ...
See all stories on this topic »
Google's Ice Cream Sandwich is a tasty Android upgrade
Ice Cream Sandwich is Google Inc.'s name for the latest version of its Android operating system. In coming months the software will be rolled out free of charge to millions of Android phones and tablet computers, but for now you can get it only by ...

