The period immediately before the start of a new season, in which athletes undergo intensive training and participate in exhibition games.
adv. & adj.In, of, or relating to the preseason.
線上醫療 Google參一腳
〔編譯陳泓達/綜合外電報導〕美國俄亥俄州的老牌非營利醫學中心「克里夫蘭診所」二十一日透露,正協助網路搜尋引擎巨擘Google測試備受矚目的線上健康紀錄服務Google Health,以和微軟去年推出的類似服務Health Vault一別苗頭。
克里夫蘭診所表示,將徵求一萬名患者參與這項非公開測試計畫,將個人醫療健康紀錄存入Google Health網站。Google Health的宗旨是要讓患者能透過網路,在非公開情況下與各種醫療照護機構及藥商分享其醫療資訊。
Google健康顧問委員會成員的柯茲葛洛夫說,醫師、病人和醫療照護業之間,應該有更便利的合作管道。透過Google Health,患者可安全地將其處方藥、是否過敏、有哪方面的疾病等資訊,與醫療照護者交流。
Google並未明確宣示Google Health將於何時正式運作,之前的說法是今年。
在Google之前,微軟已在去年十月推出類似服務Health Vault,提供儲存並選擇性分享醫療紀錄的軟體與服務。
February 21, 2008, 1:13 am
Google Health Begins Its Preseason at Cleveland Clinic
By Steve Lohr
For 18 months, Google has been working to come up with a product offering and a strategy in the promising field of consumer health information. Until now, the search giant hasn’t had anything to show for its labors other than bumps along the way — delays and a management change.
But on Thursday, Google’s technology for personal health records, which is still in development, is getting a big endorsement from the Cleveland Clinic. The big medical center is beginning a pilot project to link the health information for some of its patients with Google personal health records.
Cleveland Clinic is at the cutting edge of health information technology, and its more than 100,000 patients each has a personal health record. But a sizable portion of those patients are retirees, notes Dr. C. Martin Harris, the clinic’s chief information officer. Many of them, he said, spend about five months elsewhere, typically in Florida or Arizona, and the clinic’s sophisticated electronic health records don’t follow them there.
“It forces the patient to become his or her own medical historian,” Dr. Harris said.
The Google personal health record, he said, is a solution to that problem, among others. A person can approve the transfer of information on, say, medical conditions, allergies, medications and laboratory results from the clinic’s computers to a Google personal health record — a series of secure Web pages.
The pilot project will last six to eight weeks, and involve less than 10,000 patients. The project with Cleveland Clinic is “a milestone” for Google, said Marissa Mayer, a vice president, who took over management of the health team six months ago.
Google’s personal health record is still in development, and it will be introduced publicly and made widely available, after the pilot project is concluded, Ms. Mayer said.
To be sure, Google is only one of several companies trying to make a business from Web-based personal health records. Microsoft, for example, brought out its entry, called HealthVault, last October, and it has commitments from medical centers including New York-Presbyterian Hospital and the Mayo Clinic. WebMD, Revolution Health and others also offer personal health records.
While it’s still not entirely clear what Google’s personal health record will be like, its approach seems to be ambitious and comprehensive. Google has its own user interface, while Microsoft, for example, appears to be focusing on back-end storage. Google is offering automated data links, so the patient does not have to type in personal data, as is required with some personal health records. And Google, along with Microsoft, has the deep pockets and technological knowhow to offer personal health records free to millions.
Other medical centers are ready to sign up. “This is truly a patient-controlled health record, and that’s a very significant step in the drive toward a more consumer-oriented system of health care,” said Dr. John D. Halamka, chief information officer of the Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Halamka is also chief information officer at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, which plans to link its electronic patient records with Google personal health pages. He is also a member of
Google’s Health Advisory Council.