2018年6月27日 星期三
Facebook has halted its internet drone project,
Facebook has halted its internet drone project, which it had originally envisioned as a way of bringing more people online.
2018年6月18日 星期一
2018年6月15日 星期五
App Maker, Google's low-code tool for building business apps,
App Maker | Google Developers
Build apps that fill gaps, like accelerating business workflows or scaling internal operations, with G Suite's low-code development environment. App Maker is ...
Top stories
App Maker, Google's low-code tool for building business apps, comes out of beta
TechCrunch · 20 hours ago
Google's App Maker launches for G Suite users; standalone Tasks launches June 28
Android Authority · 19 hours ago

Google 低門檻開發工具 App Maker 正式開放,不寫程式碼就能完成開發
Google 曾於 2016 年 11 月推出低門檻線上開發工具 App Maker,用於網路快速構建和部署商業應用程式。這款工具內建大量模板(主要是 G Suite 及合作夥伴的整合服務),可讓用戶以少量(甚至不需要)程式語言,靠拖曳 UI 即可完成.....
2018年6月8日 星期五
美問Alphabet谷歌、推特 ,數據有無給華為?
美問谷歌推特 數據有無給華為?
(德國之聲中文網) 臉書用戶數據分享給中國公司,引发軒然大波。下一個問題是: Google跟Twitter呢?
參議員華納 (Mark Warner) 對外表示,針對另外兩家世界級科技公司-谷歌母公司Alphabet與推特,他已經去函詢問他們與中國是否有任何形式的資料共享合同。他隨後將信件公開。他宣稱中國共產黨與華為、中興的關係一直是美國對於國家安全顧慮的重點。
谷歌週四透過電子郵件发表一篇聲明,「我們與世界各地的製造商都有簽訂合同,包括華為。我們特別為華為提供特殊服務,而我們的合同也有隱私權政策與訊息安全的相關條款。」其母公司Alphabet 先前承認與華為、小米、騰訊都有策略性夥伴關係。
全球各地大約有60家公司與Facebook簽署了共享某些用戶數據的合同,例如亞馬遜、蘋果、黑莓、HTC、微軟和三星。然而其中最引美國注目的是四家中國公司: 中國手機製造商華為、OPPO、TCL,以及電腦製造商聯想。
羅法/夏立民 (綜合報導)
2018年6月6日 星期三
Facebook證實與中國科技公司有數據分享協議 | |||
Facebook Inc. 周二稱,其與至少四家中國電子產品公司有數據合作,
Microsoft sinks a data center off the Scottish coast
This underwater data center has enough storage for around 5 million movies, and is as powerful as thousands of desktop PCs.
Microsoft sinks a data center off the Scottish coast
The data center includes 864 servers and 27.6 petabytes of storage
A new ceramic could help hypersonic planes take off
London to Sydney in two hours?
A new ceramic could help hypersonic planes take off
From the archive
A new ceramic could help hypersonic planes take off
From the archive
2018年6月4日 星期一
Microsoft’s $7.5 billion purchase of GitHub will provoke a developer backlash
Financial Times
The $7.5bn price tag is significantly higher than lossmaking GitHub’s valuation after its previous fundraising round in 2015, when it was valued at around $2bn.

Microsoft plans to buy the code-sharing platform GitHub for $7.5bn
分析:Microsoft’s $7.5 billion purchase of GitHub will provoke a developer backlash https://trib.al/ZNTHwko
...Why this matters: Microsoft says it’s been the most active organization on GitHub, and that it wants it to operate independently. But why, then, is it paying so much for the business, which was last valued at $2.5 billion in 2015?
The most plausible answer is that the company will significantly influence the way the platform operates to its advantage, and get an invaluable overview of the projects being worked on across it. That will propbably spook big software companies like Google and Facebook, which won’t like the idea of developing their code on a platform controlled by a rival. Some coders are already expressing misgivingsabout the deal as well. Unless Microsoft treads carefully, some could flee to rival repositories like BitBucket or GitLab, which has seen a big spike in traffic since news of the deal broke.
2018年6月2日 星期六
Google to scrub U.S. military deal protested by employees
Alphabet Inc's Google will not renew a contract to help the U.S. military analyse aerial drone imagery when it expires in March, a person familiar with the matter said on Friday, as the company moves to defuse internal uproar over the deal.
Google to scrub U.S. military deal protested by employees - source
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hc 的 blogs
- Facebook has halted its internet drone project,
- 谷歌今天宣布將以5.5億美元,現金投資中國電商品牌京東
- App Maker, Google's low-code tool for building bus...
- 美問Alphabet谷歌、推特 ,數據有無給華為?
- 歐盟擬就安卓反壟斷案處罰Alphabet至多110億美元
- Facebook證實與中國科技公司有數據分享協議
- Microsoft sinks a data center off the Scottish coast
- A new ceramic could help hypersonic planes take off
- Microsoft’s $7.5 billion purchase of GitHub will p...
- Google to scrub U.S. military deal protested by em...