Google Arrests Apple's Development Wall Street Journal (blog) Six months ago, Apple had a market value of about $550 billion; Google, around $230 billion. Since then, as Google shares have risen by a third and Apple's have dropped by a quarter, the gap has shrunk to about $100 billion. Before long, Google may end ... See all stories on this topic » |
New Apps Arrive on Google Glass New York Times (blog) Google announced the apps, which it calls Glassware, Thursday at its I/O developers conference, the largest assembly yet of people wearing Glass in the same place. They join Path and The New York Times as the only apps so far available on Glass. See all stories on this topic » |
Google Buys a Quantum Computer New York Times (blog) Google said it had already devised machine-learning algorithms that work inside the quantum computer, which is made by D-Wave Systems of Burnaby, British Columbia. One could quickly recognize information, saving power on mobile devices, while ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google Glass spurs privacy questions from Congress CNET "Because Google Glass has not yet been released and we are uncertain of Google's plans to incorporate privacy protections into the device, there are still a number of unanswered questions that we share," the Bi-Partisan Privacy Caucus, led by Rep. See all stories on this topic » |
Google's latest wave of services extends company's tentacles into more aspects ... Washington Post “Technology should do the hard work so people can get on doing the things that make them happiest in life,” Page told a crowd of 6,000 software developers and entrepreneurs who flocked to San Francisco Wednesday for the opening day of Google's annual ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google steals march on Apple in music subscription Computerworld "Google stole Apple's thunder," said Gartner analyst Van Baker today. But because Apple's strategy is to deliver a streaming service to its users -- not those owning Android-powered smartphones and tablets -- Google being first doesn't matter much in ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google CEO Larry Page says Microsoft's bad behavior 'is really sad.' Hypocrite. Computerworld (blog) Google CEO Larry Page zinged Microsoft for its "sad" behavior during his remarks at Google I/O, complaining about the company's us-versus-them mentality. Yet only a few days earlier, Google had served Microsoft with a cease-and-desist letter to pull a ... See all stories on this topic » |
UK Lawmakers Challenge Google Over Tax Wall Street Journal In a tense two-hour hearing, parliament's Public Accounts Committee grilled Matt Brittin, Google's head of sales and operations in northern and central Europe, about whether the firm completes sales of its products and services in the U.K., making it ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google, please be a benevolent internet overlord The Guardian Google is at the top of its game. It presides over, if not ruling outright, enormous swaths of modern life. Its market value has never been higher, and keeps heading north. As the company is demonstrating this week at its annual conference for ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google Apps To Microsoft Office 365: 10 Lessons InformationWeek Start The Discussion | Larry Seltzer | May 16, 2013 10:49 AM. Switching from Google Apps to Microsoft Office 365, you will find good and bad surprises. But overall, Microsoft's Web apps make the migration worthwhile. Google Apps To Microsoft Office 365 ... See all stories on this topic » 舊金山直擊 Google嗆臉書蘋果 一鍵修圖 語音搜尋像聊天
Google開發者大會台北時間昨(16)日凌晨於舊金山Moscone Center
報導、攝影╱柯長錕 部分圖片╱業者提供
今年回歸軟體服務的Google,大幅改善社群軟體Google+,將旗下Hangouts功能獨立設為單一聊天通訊APP,取代Google Talk,支援一對多視訊通話,力拼臉書、Line等即時通訊軟體,而Google+也更換介面,支援iOS、Android裝置和桌機版,其中最具特色 的是,新增照片編輯工具,若懶得修圖,按自動補強即由系統幫忙修圖。
Google開發者大會在美國舊金山Moscone Center West舉辦,現場超過6000人。
追問總統老婆 也能答
Graph知識圖譜首度支援台灣版本,如搜尋金城武後,不只列出網址,還有基本簡介等。語音搜尋也同步升級,比蘋果Siri更聰明,實測問「Who is
the president of Taiwan(台灣總統是誰)」,回答馬英九後,追問「Who is his
受好評的Google地圖功能大幅改版,強化3D、室內導覽外,還結合景點評分、團購,也將首度提供iPad版,預計今年夏天上線。 娛 樂部分推Google Play Game Service,遊戲可支援多人連線、排行榜、雲端儲存和遊戲成就,Google帳號登入,能跨iOS或Android等平台存取遊玩。另音樂串流服務 Google Music All Access也亮相,採月租型收費,每月9.99美元,約301元台幣,但台灣尚未推出。 Goolge積極推廣WebP照片格式,同樣畫質下檔案可小31%以上,影片則有VP9格式,大約是H.264的一半大小,旗下的YouTube即將在今年稍晚開始支援。
★Google Music
音樂串流服務Google Music All Access亮相,採月租型收費,每月約301元台幣,美國即日起上線,台灣尚不會推出。
Google版三星S4(左圖),搭載Android 4.2、16GB容量,售價約1萬9554元台幣,美國6/26開賣。台灣三星昨宣布S4 32GB版開賣售價2萬3900元台幣,並請小S及阮經天代言。
˙CTTY:看到自己國家的國旗在Google I/O大會,真的非常開心~
˙Tentacle:不知道google在大陸會不會更黑… ˙chusam:唉 有點失望 畢竟一直期待xphone ˙eltonstar:沒有新的裝置也就罷了,沒有5.0也就罷了,竟然連4.3都沒有??? 資料來源:批踢踢實業坊、mobile01
★Google地圖客製化,結合團購、景點評比 ★Google+介面翻新,內建自動修圖工具 ★Google搜尋語音,桌機安裝Chrome也可用 ★教育市場商機大,教育版Google Play今年夏天上線 ★搶攻音樂市場,推出Google Music All Access月租服務
˙Google I/O 2013
˙三星 0800-329-999 |
2013年5月16日 星期四
舊金山直擊 Google -- 蘋果日報
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