2013年5月7日 星期二

惡行: Apple’s Move Keeps Profit Out of Reach of Taxes 蘋果是怎樣合法避稅的

High & Low FinanceApple’s Move Keeps Profit Out of Reach of TaxesBy FLOYD NORRIS May 07, 2013蘋果是怎樣合法避稅的FLOYD NORRIS 報導 2013年05月07日
Why would a company with billions of dollars in the bank — and no plans for a large investment — decide to borrow billions more?
A decade ago, that was a question some short-sellers were asking about Parmalat, the Italian food company that had seemed to be coining money.
It turned out that the answer was not a happy one: The cash was not real. The auditors had been fooled. A huge fraud was being perpetrated.
Lucas Jackson/Reuters
Now it is a question that could be asked about Apple. Its March 30 balance sheet shows $145 billion in cash and marketable securities. But this week it borrowed $17 billion in the largest corporate bond offering ever.
The answer for Apple is a more comforting one for investors, if not for those of us who pay taxes. The cash is real. But Apple has been a pioneer in tactics to avoid paying taxes to Uncle Sam. To distribute the cash to its owners would force it to pay taxes. So it borrows instead to buy back shares and increase its stock dividend.
The borrowings were at incredibly low interest rates, as low as 0.51 percent for three-year notes and topping out at 3.88 percent for 30-year bonds. And those interest payments will be tax-deductible.
Isn't that nice of the government? Borrow money to avoid paying taxes, and reduce your tax bill even further.
Could this become the incident that brings on public outrage over our inequitable corporate tax system? Some companies actually pay something close to the nominal 35 percent United States corporate income tax rate. Those unfortunate companies tend to be in businesses like retailing. But companies with a lot of intellectual property — notably technology and pharmaceutical companies — get away with paying a fraction of that amount, if they pay any taxes at all.
Anger at such tax avoidance — we're talking about presumably legal tax strategies, by the way — has been boiling in Europe, particularly in Britain.
It got so bad that late last year Starbucks promised to pay an extra £10 million — about $16 million — in 2013 and 2014 above what it would normally have had to pay in British income taxes. What it would normally have paid is zero, because Starbucks claims its British subsidiary loses money. Of course, that subsidiary pays a lot for coffee sold to it by a profitable Starbucks subsidiary in Switzerland, and pays a large royalty for the right to use the company's intellectual property to another subsidiary in the Netherlands. Starbucks said it understood that its customers were angry that it paid no taxes in Britain.
Starbucks could get away with paying no taxes in Britain, and Apple can get away with paying little in the United States relative to the profits it makes, thanks to what Edward D. Kleinbard, a law professor ​​at the University of Southern California and a former chief of staff at the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, calls “stateless income,” in which multinational companies arrange to direct the bulk of their profits to low-tax or no-tax jurisdictions in which they may actually have only minimal operations.
星 巴克可以在英國躲避賦稅,蘋果可以在美國繳納相對於其利潤低得多的稅額,是因為它們利用了南加州大學(University of Southern California)法律教授、前美國國會稅收聯席委員會(Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation)幕僚長愛德華·克萊恩巴德(Edward D. Kleinbard)稱為“無國籍收入”的條款,該條款允許跨國公司將大部分利潤劃入低稅或無稅的司法管轄區,而公司實際上可能在這些區域只有很少的經營。
Transfer pricing is an issue in all multinational companies and can be used to move profits from one country to another, but it is especially hard for countries to monitor prices on intellectual property, like patents and copyrights. There is unlikely to be a rea​​l market for that information, so challenging a company's pricing is difficult.
The United States, at least theoretically, taxes companies on their global profits. But taxes on overseas income are deferred until the profits are sent back to the United States.
Apple makes no secret of the fact it has not paid taxes on a large part of its profits. “We are continuing to generate significant cash offshore and repatriating this cash will result in significant tax consequences under current US tax law,” the company's chief financial officer, Peter Oppenheimer, said last week.
蘋果毫不諱言其大部分盈利都沒有納稅的事實。蘋果首席財務官彼得·奧本海默(Peter Oppenheimer)上周說:“我們仍繼續在海外產生大量現金,根據美國目前的稅法,把這些錢拿回美國將導致巨大的納稅問題。”
A company spokesman says the company paid $6 billion in federal income taxes last year, and “several billion dollars in income taxes within the US in 2011.” It is a testament to how profitable the company is that it would still face “significant tax consequences ” if it used the cash it has to buy back stock.
There is something ridiculous about a tax system that encourages an American company to invest abroad rather than in the United States. But that is what we have.
In principle, there are two ways the United States could get out of the current mess. The first, proposed by President John F. Kennedy more than 50 years ago, is to end the deferral. Companies would owe taxes on profits when they made them . There would be, of course, credits for taxes paid overseas, but if a company made money and did not otherwise pay taxes on it, it would owe them to the United States. After it paid the taxes, it could move the money wherever it wished without tax consequences.
原則上來說,美國有兩種方法可能擺脫目前的糟糕狀態。第一種方法是約翰·F·肯尼迪總統(John F. Kennedy)50多年前提出來的,就是結束延遲徵稅。公司掙了錢的那年就該納稅。當然,公司在海外繳納了稅額可以用來抵免在美國的納稅,但如果一家公司掙了錢卻沒有在海外繳納所得稅的話,它就應該向美國納稅。繳稅之後,公司可以隨心所欲地轉移資金,而不必擔心納稅問題。
President Obama has not gone that far, but he has suggested immediate taxation of foreign profits earned in tax havens, defined as countries with very low tax rates.
Some international companies hate that idea, of course. They warn that we would risk making American multinational corporations uncompetitive with other multinationals, and perhaps encourage some of them to change nationality.
The other way is to move to what is called a territorial system, one in which countries tax only profits earned in those countries. Apple would then be free to bring the money home whenever it wanted, tax-free. But without doing something about the ease with which companies manage to claim profits are made wherever it is most convenient, that would simply be a recipe for giving up on collecting tax revenue. Companies around the world have done a good job of persuading countries to lower tax rates. Back in the 1980s, the American corporate tax rate of 34 percent was among the lowest in the world. Now the 35 percent United States tax rate on corporate income is among the highest. In this country, notwithstanding the high rate, the corporate income tax now brings in about 18 percent of all income tax revenue, with individuals paying the rest. That is half the share corporations paid when Dwight Eisenhower was president.
另一種方式是採用所謂的地域系統,即一國祇對在本國境內所獲得的利潤徵稅。這樣的話,蘋果就隨時能把資金拿回美國,不須再繳稅。然而,如果企業能夠隨意在對它最有利的地方宣布獲得利潤,而我們不對這種自由進行限制的話,這種方法等於放棄對企業徵稅。跨國公司在世界各地成功地說服了各國對其降低稅率。 20世紀80年代時,美國34%的企業所得稅率屬世界最低水平。而如今,美國35%的企業所得稅率卻位居世界最高水平。在美國,雖然企業所得稅率較高,但企業上繳的所得稅目前在政府的全部所得稅收入中只佔18%,其餘部分為個人所得稅。這是德懷特·艾森豪威爾(Dwight Eisenhower)任總統時,公司繳納的所得稅份額的一半。
There seems to be something of a consensus developing around the idea that the United States rate should be lowered. Both President Obama and Representative Dave Camp, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, say they want to do that without reducing government revenue, but they disagree on most details. Mr. Camp likes the territorial idea, but he concedes that we would have to do something about the ease with which companies move income from country to country.
人們似乎正在就美國應該降低企業所得稅率的想法達成一致。奧巴馬總統和眾議院籌款委員會(House Ways and Means Committee)主席戴維·坎普(Dave Camp)眾議員都表示,他們希望在不減少政府收入的前提下這麼做,但是在大部分細節上他們存在分歧。坎普比較青睞地域系統,但他承認我們必須採取措施限制公司把收益從一個國家轉移到另一個國家的隨意性。
In Europe, where budget problems have grown drastically, there seems to be a growing understanding that governments must raise a certain amount of revenue and a belief that if one sector manages to avoid paying taxes, that means other sectors must pay more. That led to the anti-Starbucks demonstrations in Britain. In this country, there is little sign of similar attitudes, let alone a belief that those who find ways to twist the laws to avoid paying taxes are being unpatriotic.
If that belief were to become widespread, Apple and similar companies might find that their success in avoiding taxes was making them unpopular with other taxpayers — people whom Apple wants to be its customers.
Floyd Norris comments on finance and the economy at nytimes.com/economix.
弗洛伊德·諾里斯(Floyd Norris)在nytimes.com/economix上評論金融和經濟問題。

