Google expands plan to turn rivals' devices into ersatz Chromebooks Computerworld Computerworld - Google on Monday expanded on its strategy to turn any connected device into an ersatz Chromebook dedicated to the company's ecosystem by adding access to several services, including Google Wallet, and baked-in hardware, like ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google hosts fundraiser for climate change denying US senator The Guardian Google, which prides itself on building a "better web that is better for the environment", is hosting a fundraiser for the most notorious climate change denier in Congress, it has emerged. The lunch, at the company's Washington office, will benefit the ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google Glass Used to Record New Jersey Boardwalk Arrest ABC News Barrett, founder of the website and documentary filmmaker, was walking along the boardwalk in Wildwood, N.J., on July 4 while wearing Google's much hyped device. "I was down to 20 percent battery after the fireworks show, so I thought I may ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google interns are annoying their neighbors with wild parties and cushy living ... Fox News While most interns struggle to pay rent and make enough money to put food on the table, Google interns seem to be living the high life. The interns - who rake in around $6000 a month - have earned the ire of their neighbors for their weekday parties ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google, Facebook account for 60% of Asia's online ad spend Zee News On the reasons behind dominance of Google and Facebook in the online advertising space, online video advertising network Vdopia said the internet giants have the highest number of users on the internet, being the top two sites in the world. "Asian ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google to profit from self-driving cars by decade's end -- analyst CNET (blog) "We believe the utility of reducing auto deaths and idle time in traffic add up to a $200+ billion opportunity in autonomous vehicle technology," Munster said. And the analyst sees Google as the "best positioned Internet company over the next ten years ... See all stories on this topic » |
Unlocking the Google-y-ness of two hot phones USA TODAY NEW YORK — I've heaped praise on the Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One, the hot-to-trot flagship smartphones from rival Asian handset heavyweights. These are stud devices packed with clever features. Clever, that is, to a point. For many people, piling on ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google releases patch for security flaw affecting 99 per cent of Android devices Herald Sun GOOGLE has released a patch to fix the security flaw which had left virtually all Android devices vulnerable to hacking. Last week, mobile startup Bluebox Security claimed to have discovered a hole in the Android operating system's security which would ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google Chromebook Under $300 Defies PC Market With Growth Bloomberg Google Inc. (GOOG)'s Chromebook was dismissed as a bare-bones laptop with limited appeal when it debuted two years ago. Now it's defying skeptics and gaining share as the rest of the personal-computer market shrinks. Chromebooks have in just the past ... See all stories on this topic » |
谷歌將挑戰一個國家。谷歌與中國政府進行對峙時也是如此。在2年前的埃及革命中,一個名叫Wael Ghonim的谷歌員工起到了非常重要的作用。
1月8日,訪問平壤金日成綜合大學的美國谷歌董事長埃裏克·施密特(右起第2人)等人(kyodo) |
不僅僅是企業。美國總統歐巴馬也提出了「開放政府」的理念,在網絡上傾聽眾多的呼聲,並積極推進信息公開。這些行動將促進Wi-Fi環境的普及和寬帶基礎 設施向農村地區擴大。此外,美國還打算將三維(3D)打印機引入小學課堂,以提高製造能力。三維打印機將決訂製造業的未來。
政治風險諮詢公司歐亞集團(Eurasia Group)此前發佈了每年一度的「全球十大風險」。美歐企業的思維方式是轉換思維,將這些風險看做「應從正面挑戰的問題」。而谷歌正是在發起挑戰的最好案例。
作者為日本經濟新聞(中文版:日經中文網)產業部副部長 中山淳史
Bits Blog
The Limits of Facebook's Search ToolBy VINDU GOEL
The usefulness of the new tool is constrained by the data people
have shared as well as how the technology analyzes that information, but
Facebook has high hopes for its development.
Facebook is planning to introduce Graph Search, a tool to help users
sift the volumes of information on the site, and its success is
important to the company's future.
Chief Leaves Barnes & Noble After Losses on E-Readers
A new chief was named to lead the struggling Nook division, but the C.E.O.'s post will remain vacant for the time being.
Amazon's Founders Jump Ship
Apple Gives Away Popular Apps
Facebook's Graph Search Is Here. Check Your Privacy Settings.
Google, Facebook criticize Singapore's new internet rules Times of India SINGAPORE: Singapore's move to tighten regulation of news web sites, already under fire from bloggers and human rights groups, has attracted criticism from an unexpected quarter - large internet firms with a big presence in the city-state who say the ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google Data Policy Faces Brazil Probe After Snowden Spy Story Businessweek Brazilian authorities will investigate data storage policies of technology companies such as Google Inc. (GOOG) after a Brazilian newspaper report alleged that the U.S. government spied on e-mail traffic in Latin America's largest economy. “We need to ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google Commemorates Roswell UFO With Interactive Doodle ABC News Google is no stranger to interactive doodles. For the London 2012 Olympics, the company let users control a virtual runner jumping over hurdles. On Pac-Man's 30th anniversary, the company transformed its iconic logo into playable version of the arcade ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google interns 'terrorize apartment complex with constant partying' Daily Mail Hundreds of Google interns have flooded a San Francisco Bay Area apartment complex and the full-time residents say their partying and late hours have gotten out of control. The much sought after internships afford the lucky college students salaries of ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google Following Tour de France With Website, Maps eWeek Perhaps the coolest feature of Google's coverage of the Tour de France is the special "Your Tour" interactive page that lets visitors go to and explore the race course via Google Maps and Street View images. Visitors can use the on-screen controls to ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google releases fix to OEMs for Blue Security Android security hole ZDNet (blog) Gina Scigliano, Google's Android Communications Manager, said that while Google didn't have a statement, she could "confirm that a patch has been provided to our partners - some OEMs, like Samsung, are already shipping the fix to the Android devices.". See all stories on this topic » |
Google's Filipino Citizen Map Makers Fill in the Blanks Wall Street Journal (blog) A civil engineer by profession, Mr. Varias has discovered his secret passion – map making. Since 2009, he has been a volunteer for Google Map Maker. He's now the third-most active mapper in the Philippines, contributing more than 46,000 edits and ... See all stories on this topic » |
Google Settles Text Spam Suit For $6 Million InformationWeek SMB (blog) Disco was a "group texting" service, launched in March 2011 by in-house Google app development subsidiary Slide, which Google purchased for $200 million in 2010. Disco users could create groups with up to 99 people's names and phone numbers, then ... See all stories on this topic » |
HTC One Google Edition hands-on: A One without Sense isn't a One ZDNet (blog) Enthusiasts have been asking for more pure Google experiences on hardware better than what we see on Nexus devices and so far HTC and Samsung have responded. My MoTR podcast co-host, Kevin Tofel, may soon be one of those people buying a ... See all stories on this topic » |