Google Seeks Allies Against Patent Trolls InformationWeek Google on Friday joined with BlackBerry, EarthLink and Red Hat to ask the Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice to examine how businesses that sells products or services -- operating companies -- have taken to outsourcing patent ... See all stories on this topic » | |||||
Why Google might want to buy WhatsApp Washington Post The buzz stems from a rumor that Google may be working on a deal to buy the fast-growing messaging app WhatsApp for a cool $1 billion. WhatsApp is among an increasing number of mobile messaging apps that analysts say could threaten social networks ... See all stories on this topic » | |||||
From strip clubs to theaters, Google Glass won't be welcome everywhere NBCNews.com Google's futuristic Glass headgear will be available before year's end. The device may well be the final step before human-machine interaction moves under our skin — but its wearers may trigger some undesired social reactions from friends and family ... See all stories on this topic » | |||||
Google Prepares for Fiber Warfare Wall Street Journal Google Fiber: a broadband connection 100 times faster than the competition, coming soon to a city near you. Or at least it has come to Kansas City, and may soon land in Austin, Texas. If so, Google's experiment in building its own pipes to offer ... See all stories on this topic » | |||||
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Facebook Phone Is Not A Phone, But An ‘Apperating System’
Mat Honan thinks Facebook might have a success with Facebook Home, because it is so timid that it will appeal to people afraid of the Web.Mat Honan, Facebook’s ‘Phone’ Is Another Triumph of Mediocrity
The long rumored Facebook phone turned out not to be a phone at all. Or even a new OS or a fork of the Android operating system like Amazon’s Kindle Fire. It’s something more than an application, and slightly less than an operating system. As Wired.com editor Mark McClusky described it, Facebook Home is an “apperating system.” The genius of the Facebook phone is that the company made a phone without making a phone at all. It’s not overly ambitious. It’s not a big bet. And that’s why it may have such a huge payoff.
Over the past few days, lots of pundits have been asking who this is for. Facebook gave us an answer today: It’s for people who don’t care about a rich, full experience on the Internet, yet love Facebook. People who want to run apps, but are overwhelmed by them. People who want to connect with friends and family, but want it to be super easy to do so. For many people, Facebook is the Internet, just as AOL was before it. And just as Facebook is the best way for them to experience the Internet in a browser, Facebook Home is going to be the best way for those people to experience the Internet on a phone.
該表揚的就要表揚:谷歌(Google)毫不隱瞞自己的革命性創想。正如聯合創始人拉里•佩奇(Larry Page)2004年所說,谷歌的搜索功能最終將“集成在人們的大腦中”,這樣“當你思考某事而又對其缺乏足夠了解時,便能自動獲得信息。”科幻小說?搜索功能的“植入”是誇誇其談,但佩奇的烏托邦式計劃並非遙不可及的幻想。事實上,搜索功能不一定要植入我們的大腦中。它裝在我們的口袋中,名叫智能手機。只要谷歌能夠理解和預測我們的意圖,佩奇對連續、流暢地提供信息的設想便有可能實現。然而,若要實現設想,谷歌需要大量關於我們的信息。掌握我們的搜索內容固然有用,但了解我們的行踪、環境、日常活動規律和最喜愛的貓咪視頻同樣有幫助。部分信息通過我們的瀏覽器收集,但收集的方式雜亂無章。早在1996年的時候,谷歌還沒有確立統治世界的戰略,它收購YouTube等服務,更多是出於戰術而非戰略的需要。當它從郵件和日曆等諸多服務中收集大量數據時,這些數據被保存在互不相連的數據庫中,使得“植入”的設想難以實現。因此,谷歌去年公佈隱私條款,將60多個在線服務收集的數據納入同一框架,在商業上是合理的。此舉的一個明顯動機是增強個人用戶資料對廣告主的吸引力:比起僅僅追踪用戶在一項服務中的行為,谷歌對用戶的全方位追踪能夠更加準確地預測出符合用戶需要的廣告類型。但毫無疑問,還有另一層與“超級植入計劃”有關的原因:谷歌對我們的了解越深入,它就越能輕鬆地預測出我們現在或將來不久的需求。公司最新產品Google Now正是意圖實現這一點:通過跟踪我們的每封郵件、每次約會和每次社交網絡活動,預測出我們需要在何時與何人出現在何處。 Google Now沒準還能預訂車輛,把我們送到該地——一切都是為了讓我們不用自己做決定。 “植入”的未來已經擺在那裡,只是沒有遭遇相應的阻礙。上週,歐洲六國的數據保護當局成為“攔路虎”,宣布將調查谷歌的隱私條款是否違反各自隱私法。在數月詢問谷歌無果後,它們宣布了調查決定。之前,歐盟(EU)數據監管機構曾於去年10月致函佩奇,敦促谷歌披露它如何處理各服務中的個人數據,並說明為何及如何融合不同服務的數據。谷歌認為,其2012年公佈的隱私條款已符合全部的正式要求。根據現行法律,即使對谷歌處以罰款,這些調查也不會讓谷歌有多大損失。然而,如果歐盟通過近期提案,成立能對公司處以最高達全球營業額2%罰款的單一數據監管機構,谷歌一旦被發現違規,可能將面臨高達10億美元的罰單。即便調查失敗,歐洲監管機構也值得讚揚:它們採取的這一行動是美國監管機構想也不敢想的。歐洲將隱私作為基本人權嚴加保護,它必須堅定不移地貫徹這一原則,尤其是當矽谷最強大的公司生產出自動駕駛汽車、發布穀歌眼鏡(Google Glass)之時。隱私權倡導者將谷歌的這款智能眼鏡比作外表時髦的閉路電視攝像頭,這種類比恰如其分——而我們竟然莫名其妙地同意將這種攝像頭戴在頭上。谷歌對實體世界的入侵意味著,如果它的隱私條款維持不變,並且涵蓋自動駕駛汽車和谷歌眼鏡,那麼它可能將我們的互聯網搜索與駕車線路聯繫起來,將我們最喜愛的貓咪視頻與我們在街上親眼見到的貓咪聯繫起來。這還意味著谷歌可藉助根據搜索、郵件和日曆對我們形成的認識,向我們投放具有相關性的廣告,這些廣告與我們通過谷歌眼鏡看到的實體產品和店舖有關。在許多人看來,這一前景充滿了吸引力。但在享受未來的同時,我們必須設法詳細了解(而不是粗略了解)谷歌如何使用我們與之分享的數據,並且在一定程度上控制谷歌追踪用戶行為的範圍和時間。如果人們能夠乘坐谷歌的自動駕駛汽車穿過社區,而不用登錄Google Plus社交網絡或其他谷歌服務,那也不錯。歐洲監管機構並不打算阻礙谷歌實現其計劃,也不准備將創新扼殺在萌芽中。如果它們這麼做,只會吃力不討好,反而可能便宜谷歌的遊說行動,而在現實中是站不住腳的。恰恰相反:只有全面考慮谷歌計劃的革命性,我們才能促使谷歌更加對用戶負責。正如技術史學家肯•奧爾德(Ken Alder)所說,工程“依賴於一個簡單但根本的假設:現在不過是建造更美好未來的原材料”。這句話可能不乏道理,但原材料不全相同。如果說歐洲史教會我們什麼的話,那便是:一些“原材料”——當然包括隱私——理應值得珍惜和保護,即便這意味著夢寐以求的未來將需要更多的努力和精力才能建造起來。對於建立在不牢靠基礎上的革命性未來,我們必須堅決有力地對它說“不”。本文作者著有《拯救一切,點擊此處:技術解決方案主義的愚蠢》(To Save Everything, Click Here: The Folly of Technological Solutionism)譯者/劉鑫