Google steps up fight against barrage of 'bad' ads USA TODAY
SAN FRANCISCO - Google yanked 59% more "bad" advertisements from its online systems last year as the world's largest Internet search provider ...
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Google develops contact lens glucose monitor San Jose Mercury News
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.—Google unveiled Thursday a contact lens that monitors glucose levels in tears, a potential reprieve for millions of diabetics ...
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Google snaps up security firm Impermium CNET
Startup Impermium gives Google's already-solid security a boost in combating spam, fraud, and abuse. It could be a good fit for Google+.
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Google's Earnings Preview: Focus on Revenue Growth From Ad ... Forbes
350px-Googlelogo Google is set to release its Q4 2013 earnings and full year results on Tuesday, January 21. During the past year, Google's Google's ...
Google Honors ReachLocal with North America Premier SMB ... MarketWatch
“The Google AdWords Premier SMB Partner Program is a great way for small businesses to connect with companies who can help them make the ...
Google builds a 'Nest' for future of smart homes Naples Daily News
this Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2013, file photo, the Nest smoke and carbon
monoxide alarm is shown at the company's offices, in Palo Alto, Calif. Google said ...
Google Cloud Platform Adds Hadoop Connector Data Center Knowledge
adds a connector to make Hadoop easier on its Cloud Platform, Air
France uses HP Cloud Service Automation to increase reliability and ...
Google builds a 'Nest' for future of smart homes
SAN FRANCISCO - When our Internet-connected gadgets and home appliances all learn to talk to each other, Google Inc. wants to be at the center of ...
Google's Nest Deal Hits Home Barron's
announced it is acquiring privately held Nest Labs for $3.2 billion in
cash, marking a clear push into the future of smart energy technology
in ...
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Google loses High Court privacy bid Belfast Telegraph
has lost its High Court bid to block a breach of privacy legal action
launched against it in the UK by a group of British internet users.