BITS BLOGGoogle Pushes Back Against Data LocalizationBy CLAIRE CAIN MILLER
Though Microsoft allows customers to choose to store their data outside the United States, Google has warned against data localization and said it would be nearly impossible to carry out.
Google Broadens Its Outreach to GOP
Wall Street Journal - Google, whose employees were a top source of campaign contributions to President Obama, is now aggressively courting the GOP. Thomas Catan ...
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Google expands test of its same-day delivery service to Southland
Los Angeles Times - Google Inc. is wading into the morass of same-day delivery pilots and programs rapidly collecting in the Southland, competing with e-commerce giants ...
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Google - EU Privacy Dispute May Affect US Law
InformationWeek - France and Spain are just two of six European countries that have been investigating Google's policy for the past two years. Further actions from these ...
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Google Fiber officially launches in Provo
Salt Lake Tribune - Provo » Provo is now an official Google Fiber city. The giant California-based search engine company announced Friday that it is now hooking up ...
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Google Makes Selling Ads Easier For Small Publishers
Forbes - Those playing the ad game within the Google Googleuniverse are very familiar with Google AdSense and DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP).
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Google Takes Defamation Case to India's Supreme Court
Wall Street Journal (blog) - An Indian Supreme Court hearing startingMonday on whether the local unit of Google Inc. is liable for allegedly defamatory comments made on its ...
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Google Wins $1 Case From Patent Owner Harassing Customers
Bloomberg - A $1 victory for Google Inc. (GOOG) could mean a whole lot more in savings for some of its customers. A federal jury in Marshall, Texas, yesterday said ...
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Google will appeal German court ruling on orgy pix
Washington Post - BERLIN — Google says it will appeal a German court's decision that it must block search results linking to images of an orgy involving ex-Formula One ...
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Moto G Google Play Edition; Your ticket to ultra-affordable and clean ...
CNET - Video description: Starting at $179, the ridiculously cheap Motorola Moto G Google Play Edition is your best way to grab an unlocked, and new ...
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Google Broadens Its Outreach to GOP
Wall Street Journal - Google's executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, shown at Google's Big Tent in April in Washington, D.C., had been assailed in 2011 by Republican Sen.
After a Princeton University study came out predicting Facebook's demise, Facebook has responded with its own "research" predicting the downfall of Princeton: Credit: Facebook
- Associated Press
After a controversial academic paper predicted the demise of Facebook, the social network has responded with a satirical prediction of the destruction of Princeton University.
On Wednesday, websites were buzzing about a provocative research paper by two Princeton graduate students that said social media sites like Facebook usually follow the same growth and decline patterns of infectious disease outbreaks.
A Facebook spokesman told The Wall Street Journal the paper, which relied on Google search query data, was “nonsense.”
On Thursday, Facebook went a step further with its own mock academic research. “Princeton will have only half its current enrollment by 2018, and by 2021 it will have no students at all,” wrote Mike Develin, a data scientist at Facebook.
Develin said he analyzed various data points, including the percentage of queries on Google Scholar matching the query “Princeton.” Develin’s research showed the percentage had dropped dramatically since 2000, an “alarming” number, he wrote.
“In keeping with the scientific principle ‘correlation equals causation,’ our research unequivocally demonstrated that Princeton may be in danger of disappearing entirely,” Develin wrote.
The paper authors could not immediately be reached.
Facebook’s posting Thursday ends on an ominous note. “While we are concerned for Princeton University, we are even more concerned about the fate of the planet–Google Trends for “air” have also been declining steadily, and our projections show that by the year 2060 there will be no air left.”
Watch a video on Facebook’s response to the controversial academic paper by Princeton University students:
Google當機50分鐘 這次換人倒楣
美國太平洋時間1/24周五上午11點,約台北時間周六淩晨3點左右,Google旗下的Gmail、Google Drive、Hangouts等在內的12項服務均突然中斷、無法連結,歐洲、美國、加拿大和印度等地用戶回報了服務當機訊息,Google官方的Gmail部落格也顯示錯誤訊息。
Gmail在許多入口網站提供的免費信箱裡,是許多人收發商務郵件的第一選擇,因此Gmail的當機成為了歐美Twitter推友們的熱門話題,《鉅亨網》就指出,美國時間周五當天上班的推友Sean Sperte說:「這意味著我們都可以休一天假了,是不是?」
美國太平洋時間1/24周五上午11點,約台北時間周六淩晨3點左右,Google旗下的Gmail、Google Drive、Hangouts等在內的12項服務均突然中斷、無法連結,歐洲、美國、加拿大和印度等地用戶回報了服務當機訊息,Google官方的Gmail部落格也顯示錯誤訊息。
Gmail在許多入口網站提供的免費信箱裡,是許多人收發商務郵件的第一選擇,因此Gmail的當機成為了歐美Twitter推友們的熱門話題,《鉅亨網》就指出,美國時間周五當天上班的推友Sean Sperte說:「這意味著我們都可以休一天假了,是不是?」
Gmail Suffers an Outage
Google'sGOOG -3.13% popular Gmail service went offline just after 2 p.m. ET on Friday. Twenty minutes later, some functionality appeared to be restored though the service was still having trouble sending messages.
The disruption also appeared to affect enterprise customers that use Gmail as part of their subscription to Google Apps. Google didn’t immediately respond to questions about the cause of the disruption but said on its website that tracks the performance of its various services that is was looking into the reporters. Later, Google said most of the issues had been resolved, and that it would provide updates on the Apps Status Dashboard.
According to ComScore, Gmail had 366 million unique visitors on desktop computers world-wide in December, followed by 273 million for YahooYHOO -3.76% Mail and 242 million for
Ironically, members of Google’s site reliability engineering team were scheduled to host a so-called Ask Me Anything forum with readers of the website Reddit, starting about an hour after the Gmail disruption was first reported.