2013年2月24日 星期日

Google Glass 2013, Pixel Chromebook, a book- slash-manifesto, Why Apple Is Working on an iWatch and Not iGlasses


Google is offering 8,000 of its new Glasses for sale – to get your hands on one, you’ll have to pay $1,500 and convince Google you’re worthy of wearing it, George Stahl reports on Digits.


2013-02-22 Web only 作者:經濟學人

去年,Google宣佈已開發Google眼鏡,讓世界各地的電腦狂皆為之心動;Google眼鏡是一副連接網路的智慧型眼鏡,可 以拍照、攝影,並展示取自網路的資訊。當時,Google表示會在2013年初,讓一小群開發者進行語音控制的公開測試;而在2月20日,Google宣 佈現在希望能讓更多人加入,一窺其新技術的未來。

Sightseeing trips
Google Glass
Feb 20th 2013, 17:46 by M.G. | SAN FRANCISCO
LAST year Google whet the appetites of geeks everywhere when it announced that it had developed Google Glass, a pair of web-connected smart glasses that could take photos and videos, and display information gleaned from the internet. The firm said it would launch a public trial of the voice-controlled specs with a small group of developers early in 2013. On February 20th it announced that it now wants a broader group of people to join the developers peering into the future using its new technology.
The company has launched a website for folk who want to apply to test the Explorer trial version of its glasses and who are willing to cough up $1,500 for the privilege of having them. It has also posted a video (see below) that shows how the specs can be used in various situations, including navigating on a road and taking photos of memorable moments. Data and images are displayed on a tiny screen that appears at the top of a person's field of vision. This is mounted in a flexible frame that also incorporates a camera, a microphone and a computer.
Although its new gadget is still in its early stages and has plenty of room for improvement (not least in the design of the bulky arm that houses its battery), Google is clearly hoping that a broader field test will help it to iron out imperfections faster, as well as stoke interest in the device. It says it is looking for a diverse group of guinea pigs willing to share their experiences with the gizmo via social media.
The web giant's move is another sign that the nascent market for wearable technology is developing fast. Other companies such as Japan's Olympus are also experimenting with smart goggles and there is much interesting work being done to shrink displays even further, as Babbage has noted elsewhere. There has also been plenty of action recently in the market for smart watches that link wirelessly to people's smartphones. Rumours have been flying that Apple and Samsung are working on web-connected timepieces and Google has also filed a patent that suggests its Glass technology could be used on wrists too. Small start-ups such as Pebble are busily churning out smart watches as fast as they can. All of this is definitely worth keeping an eye on.

2月21日,谷歌推出了第一台自行研發的觸控式螢幕筆電Pixel Chromebook。
穩坐智慧型手機市場領導品牌的谷歌,在去年6月推出平板電腦Nexus 7,正面迎戰微軟、蘋果之後,再次和兩大品牌對決。從行動市場到筆電,三大品牌之間的捉對廝殺,仍將是2013年科技產業的重大戲碼。
根 據彭博社報導,這款新筆電將鎖定高階市場,Wi-Fi版售價為1,299美元(約台幣39,000元),有別於先前三星與宏碁代工的平價 Chromebook。4月時將推出LTE版,售價為1,499美元。軟體部分,承襲Chromebook的獨特優勢,不內建軟體系統,而是運用網路應用 程式,另外並贈送一年1TB的網路儲存空間。
根據《華爾街日報》報導,Chrombook試圖從筆電與平板電腦市場中另闢新徑,Pixel主要鎖定電腦重度使用者,谷歌將其定位為個人的「另一台電腦」(additional computer),可以用來從家庭中的其他電腦獲取資料。
不 過,近年谷歌展現了發展硬體的強烈企圖心,除了Chromebook之外,另一個重要的產品Google Glass則是讓人期待。根據《紐約時報》報導,谷歌找上網路眼鏡公司Warby Parker,針對Google Glass設計出更時尚的眼鏡框。目前谷歌正尋求少數幾位符合資格的程式開發人員,預計今年將會開放給一般大眾購買。(吳凱琳編譯)
【新聞來源】Google Debuts Touchscreen Chromebook in Hardware Push
Google Developing Touchscreen Devices Using Chrome Operating System
Google Searches for Style
A Titan’s How-To on Breaking a Glass Ceiling
Sheryl Sandberg, the chief operating officer of Facebook, has written a book- slash-manifesto that she hopes will spur a women’s movement.


曾經有很多年,蘋果筆記本的觸摸板,一半是觸摸板,一半是個單獨的大按鈕,可以點擊。隨着公司推出多點觸控功能,就不再需要那個按鈕。敲擊一下觸摸 板就相當於單擊。但是蘋果並沒有直接砍掉這個按鈕。蘋果是在推出幾代筆記本的過程中,漸漸取消這個按鈕的,使用戶能夠適應沒有按鈕的觸摸板。
蘋果在打入可佩戴電腦領域時,也會這麼做。對消費者來說,要戴上自己的第一台可佩帶電腦,手腕不是個令人感到害怕的部位。畢竟,我們在手腕上戴一台 小電腦已經幾十年了,就是腕錶。(對於20世紀70年代的許多人來說,一塊電子錶,有的還具備小型計算器功能,那就是他們的“第一台”電腦。)既然智能手 機正在取代手錶的地位,手腕是讓客戶接受第一款可佩戴電腦的最佳部位。
這跟谷歌(Google)的路線不同。谷歌直接從面部入手,製作現實增強功能的谷歌眼鏡(Google Glasses),為人們推出可佩戴電腦。但是眉毛下面掛一台電腦,可能會讓一些消費者感到害怕。相比較而言,手腕是個不那麼嚇人的部位。

Why Apple Is Working on an iWatch and Not iGlasses

Why an iWatch and not iGlasses?
In my column on Monday I reported that Apple was experimenting with a computer that could wrap around a person's wrist. Some readers asked why the company, which is clearly experimenting with wearable computing, wouldn't just make a pair of augmented-reality glasses instead?
The best way to answer that question is to look at the company's Trackpad. The Trackpads on Apple laptops, and now for desktops, are flat squares that offer multitouch controls and have no buttons. But that wasn't always the case.
For years, Apple's laptops were half Trackpad, half a single large clickable button. As the company introduced multitouch, it no longer needed that button -- one tap acted like a single click -- but the company didn't just lop it off. It eliminated it slowly over several versions of laptops so consumers became accustomed to its absence.
At first the mouse pad was given multitouch, then the large button was made slimmer, then the button went away, but the entire mouse pad became clickable. Today, it's just a flat multitouch square.
Apple will do the same thing with its foray into wearable computing. The wrist is not a scary place for consumers to add their first computer. After all, we've been wearing a type of computer there for decades: the wristwatch. (For many of you in the 1970s, a digital watch, some with a mini-calculator, was your first computer.) Now that the wristwatch is being supplanted by the smartphone, the wrist is the perfect place to introduce customers to a computer they can wear.
Some people are still intimidated by regular computers. How do you think they will feel about one strapped to their person?
Enter the iWatch, or whatever the company plans to call it. Think of it as the first mouse with a really large button and no multitouch. That's how Apple is probably thinking about it, too.
It's a different approach from the one taken by Google, which is going straight for the face, making its augmented reality Google Glasses to try to introduce people to wearable computers. But some consumers will very likely be intimidated by a computer hanging from their brow. The wrist, in comparison, is not as scary.
Although five or 10 years from now we could well be walking around with Apple glasses on our faces, the company's first push into this world of wearables will be through the wrist.

New Google campus planned, turning the Googleplex into a megaplex
Los Angeles Times
The 1.1-million-square-foot campus was designed from the inside out to create a space that fits the way Google employees work. For example, Google says most staffers will be able to work by natural light and without any glare from the sun on their laptops.
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Google streaming music service?
Los Angeles Times
The labels are in discussions with Google about renewing deals that pay the music companies a fee whenever one of their copyrighted songs is used in a YouTube video, said the person who was not authorized to speak publicly about the negotiations.
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Google to open registration for Google I/O March 13
In December, Google announced that it had moved up its annual developer conference by a month. The confab that assembles more than 5,000 developers will take place in San Francisco on May 15-17 this year. Previous Google I/Os had been held in June.
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The Pixel: Google's newest (and most expensive) Chromebook yet
Christian Science Monitor
Google launched its latest Chromebook, the Pixel, yesterday at a press event in San Francisco, Calif. The Pixel comes armed with a glass screen, high-resolution screen, and a $1,000+ price. Skip to next paragraph ...
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Christian Science Monitor
Customize the Google Search background in Chrome
CNET (blog)
Customize the Google Search background in Chrome. Make the Google Search homepage your own by installing a simple Chrome extension that allows you to change the background image. by Nicole Cozma. February 22, 2013 2:24 PM PST Follow @c0z ...
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Confirmed: Google Glass arrives in 2013, and under $1500
CBS News
Google originally targeted 2014 for a consumer release when it revealed Project Glass last year, but the time frame has seemingly sped up in recent months, what with developer hackathons in San Francisco and New York and this week's announcement that ...
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CBS News
Google Is Making Moves To Seriously Disrupt Groupon (GRPN, GOOG)
San Francisco Chronicle
Larry Kim, founder and CTO of WordStream, an online-marketing technology company, noticed that Google's Offers ads—deals broadly similar to Groupon's email discounts—were now available to anyone using Google's upgraded AdWords dashboard for ...
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Putting Millions of Facebook and Google Dollars in Scientists' Pockets Might ...
What would you do with $3 million, no strings attached? Eleven scientists are asking themselves that very question after winning the Breakthrough Prize, the newest and fattest cash prize currently awarded to researchers studying biological sciences.
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Drinking The KoolAid At Google's 'Take Your Parents To Work Day'
“I'm here to thank you for your crazy genius parenting,” said Andy Berndt, the director of Google's Creative Labs in welcoming the nearly 300 Googlers and their parents gathered at the company's 8th Avenue headquarters to mark the company's first-ever ...
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The mystery of Google Street View's blurred Brooklyn brownstone
Clearly, initial speculation will focus upon the idea that there might have been evidence of nudity, infidelity, gross inebriation, or simply a cast member from "Girls" visible when Google's highly focused drivers came by. I prefer to think that this ...
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