By Sam Gustin
--- 騰訊科技訊(觀海)北京時間7月12日消息,據國外媒體報導,微軟首席運營官凱文·特納(Kevin Turner)今天在微軟全球夥伴大會上反駁了蘋果有關後PC時代的說法。特納稱:“我們認為,蘋果的想法並不正確。他們認為這是後PC時代,他們談論了平板電腦和PC的不同。實際上,我們認為,這完全不對。” 特納承認,蘋果做出了優秀的硬件產品。特納表示:“在操作系統領域,我們持有不同的觀點。”特納還談論了蘋果即將推出的Mountain Lion操作系統,以及媒體對於OS X未來的不同反應。 特納將這個新的時代描述成為PC+時期,微軟聯合創始人比爾·蓋茨(Bill Gates)在1999年曾對此進行了預測。特 納稱:“實際上我們認為,Windows 8將開啟PC+這一新時代。我們相信,憑藉一個按鍵,你可以無縫的穿梭於兩個世界之中。我們相信,你可以進行觸摸控制,可以擁有手寫筆、鼠標和鍵盤。”當 提到即將推出的Windows 8操作系統時,特納表示:“重新設想的Windows是遊戲的改變者。”微軟讓移動和智能手機產品日益受到歡迎的方法是否正確,這將會在2013年一見分 曉,但微軟的高管無疑對Metro持樂觀態度,並將微軟的未來押注在它的身上。 特納同時指出,谷歌(微博)針對所有用戶非法收集個人信息,並將這些信息用於目標廣告的方法,為微軟必應搜索引擎創造了機會。特納認為,用戶對於谷歌經常監視和廣告銷售的行為,已經日益感到厭倦,呼籲出現其他選擇。特納表示,必應在美國搜索市場的份額從2011年6月的14.38%,已經增長至2012年的15.41%,如果考慮到像雅虎等使用必應作為搜索的網站,那麼其市場份額則達到了25.63%。 微軟今天宣布,必應的搜索結果,首次比谷歌的搜索結果更具相關性。微軟稱,必應的整體相關性是61.4%,谷歌則為59.9%。目前並不清楚,進行這一統計所使用的標準。 ---- Who says innovation is dead in Silicon Valley? At a time when some pundits are questioning whether the region’s innovation engine is tapped out, Web-search titan Google offered a powerful display last week of why that’s not the case. In a stunt that set a high-water mark for high-tech demonstrations, Google co-founder Sergey Brin blew away the crowd of developers at the company’s I/O conference with Project Glass, one of Google’s high-profile secret ventures. And Brin’s work leading Google X, a top-secret research lab, shows how the Silicon Valley giant is at the cutting edge of next-generation technology. In the demo, a team of skydivers wearing augmented-reality glasses jumped out of a plane above San Francisco, proceeded to conduct a live Google hangout session in midair and then landed on the roof of the Moscone Center, the fabled venue that has been the site of so many historic tech keynotes over the years. The divers were carrying precious cargo — a box containing the high-tech glasses — which they handed over to a team of mountain bikers, who jumped a gap in the roof and delivered the unit to climbers who rappelled down the side of the building. Another group of bikers raced through the lobby and into the auditorium, handing the device to a beaming Brim onstage. (Here’s the official video. Watch Brin’s behind-the-scenes account of how they pulled it off here.) (MORE: Walmart at 50: How the Retail Giant Changed the World) Was it a publicity stunt? Of course, but the spectacle highlights how Google is so much more than a search advertising company. The Mountain View, Calif.-based tech giant is pushing the limits of technology, from wearable computing like Project Glass to self-driving cars to projects we don’t even know about because they remain locked away inside Google X, the R&D lab that Brin leads. Asked about Project Glass by Bloomberg TV after the demo, Brin explained, “It’s the notion of taking computing, which has moved from giant mainframes to laptops to phones, to perhaps an even lighter and more free-form factor. Something you can have with you when you’re falling through the sky at 120 miles an hour.” --- A Teardown of Google's Nexus 7 Tablet
new Nexus 7 tablet is the same size and price as's Kindle
Fire, but it costs a bit more to build, according to an analysis of its
Google CEO Page recovering, was in office this week Reuters SUN VALLEY, Idaho (Reuters) - Google Inc CEO Larry Page, absent from the Internet company's biggest public events for weeks, is recovering from an unspecified ailment that caused him to lose his voice. See all stories on this topic » | ||
Google CEO Page is Recovering, Says Schmidt Wall Street Journal (blog) Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt said Thursday that the company's Chief Executive, Larry Page, is recovering from an ailment that affected his voice and has been at the office working this week. See all stories on this topic » | ||
Google Nexus 7 has hidden "Smart Cover" feature ZDNet Summary: The Nexus 7 has 'secret' support for a "Smart Cover" built into the tablet that neither Google nor Asus have previously revealed. See all stories on this topic » | ||
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Google's Nexus 7 Spills Its Guts DailyFinance What do we have here? Google's (NAS: GOOG) brand new Nexus 7 tablet is now starting to reach industry analysts, who want little more than to. See all stories on this topic » | ||
Google's Larry Page back at work, recovering from illness CNET Web giant's 39-year-old co-founder is reportedly back at work after an undisclosed illness caused the loss of his voice and sidelined him from public events for several weeks. Read this blog post by Steven Musil on Internet & Media. See all stories on this topic » | ||
Google Nexus 7 Has Hidden Magnetic Screen Sensor PCWorld The sensor gives the tablet the ability to wake itself when a magnet is in the proximity of the bezel. See all stories on this topic » | ||
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Google Tablet crushes Kindle Monterey County Herald It s the most-asked question by consumers about any new tech gadget: "Should I get this now or is something better coming along soon?" For buyers of Amazon s Kindle Fire, we now have the answer: You should have waited. See all stories on this topic » | ||
Google Sued for Patent Infringement Over Chrome Apps PC Magazine The mobile version of Google's Chrome browser is at the center of a patent suit, which claims that the browsers violate EMG Technology's "patented simplified navigation system" for smartphones and tablets. 由於Nexus 7賣得好,身為開發夥伴的華碩擬上修全年出貨量,由原先預估300萬台調整至500萬台。Nexus 7搭載Android作業系統,內搭攝影機、螢幕解析度較高,每台售價僅199 美元,相當受市場歡迎。因此,Nexus 7前兩波的預購早已銷售一空,預估第3批預購得等到8月份才有貨,恐衝擊尺寸及售價皆相同的亞馬遜 Kindle Fire。華碩表示,Nexus 7出貨時程遞延,原定6月份出貨的訂單延至7月份,因此,預估第2季平板電腦出貨量將會下修,由原先預期的120萬台降至70-80萬台,第2季營收目標 由季增5-10%調整為0-5%;儘管如此,第2季營益率仍可優於上季5.2%。 |