2018年10月18日 星期四

數家美國公共基金支持罷免扎克伯格董事長職務;2017 Facebook is terrified about a disturbing trend in people’s posts


包括紐約市退休基金在內的幾家持有Facebook Inc.股份的公共基金支持一項旨在移除該公司CEO扎克伯格董事長頭銜的股東提議。

Facebook is terrified about a disturbing trend that is seeing people share information about themselves less and less.
People are still posting plenty of updates on the site, according to a new report from The Information. But an increasing number of those are about the outside world or links to other sites.
That is probably happening because people have more and more connections — many of them from long ago in their lives — and they don’t want to see all of their data shared with people from long ago.
But it is worrying for Facebook because of a phenomenon that the site is said to internally call “context collapse”. That is seeing people share less intimate information — and move instead to newer and smaller sites like Snapchat or Instagram to do so...

