2015年7月17日 星期五

Google shares soar on second-quarter earnings, Adds Record $52 Billion to its Market Value

The Guardian

Google doodles aren't just naff – they're trying to rebrand the past
'By weaving historic and cultural milestones into its logo, Google is trying to retroactively brand the whole of human progress – perhaps the very notion ...

  1. Urban Dictionary: naff


    British slang, today meaning uncool, tacky, unfashionable, worthless... or as a softer expletive, in places where one might use "fuck" as in "naff off", "naff all", ...


Google will offer free broadband to low-income families in White House pilot program | The Verge
Today the White House announced that Google, along with ISPs like Cox, Sprint, and Century Link will be providing 275,000 low-income families with ...

Google上季大賺 股價創新高

Google上季大賺 股價創新高

廣告帶勁 【劉利貞╱綜合外電報導】網路搜尋龍頭Google支出控制得宜、廣告銷售強勁,上季獲利與營收雙雙超越預期,為6季來首見,激勵周五美股盤前股價飆漲逾12%至674.55美元,若收盤後漲幅相當,等於股價將創空前新高、

