2012年10月27日 星期六

Win 8搶攻行動市場!微軟與英特爾分手?

Google Cancels Monday Android Event on Hurricane Sandy Concern
Google has cancelled its Monday Android event in New York City, originally set to take place just three hours before Microsoft's Windows Phone 8 event that same day in San Francisco. The reason? Hurricane Sandy. Probably a good call. Google announced ...
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Google brings Street View cameras to Grand Canyon
Washington Post
GRAND CANYON NATIONAL PARK— Google and its street-view cameras have taken users to narrow cobblestone alleys in Spain using a tricycle, inside the Smithsonian with a pushcart and to British Columbia's snow-covered slopes by snowmobile.
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iPad Mini Vs. Nexus 7: Tablet Smackdown
InformationWeek (blog)
Let's look at the top two contenders, the Apple iPad Mini and the Google Nexus 7. Either one is a solid pick, but each has pros and cons, to be sure. Let's look at what the two tablets have in common and what sets them apart. (Where's Michael Buffer ...
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Google Event Cancelled Due To Hurricane Sandy
Huffington Post
Google has cancelled its big Android event, previously scheduled for Monday in New York City, due to the impending Hurricane Sandy. The storm has already killed dozens in the Caribbean, and meterologists fear that three separate weather patterns over ...
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Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft: The Holiday Tablets Fight, Fight, Fight!
It would seem that we've got the various CEOs of the major tech companies snarling at each other as the holiday season approaches. Or at least snarling about each others' various products with a venom more usually seen in academic disputes. However ...
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When disaster struck Japan, Google and Twitter became tech first responders
San Jose Mercury News
Then the second shock hit: She couldn't reach family members for days in some of the hardest-hit regions in the disaster that caused some 16,000 deaths. So Sudo, 28, turned to Google's (GOOG) Person Finder, which the company's engineers had up and ...
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3 Reasons Google Has Already Peaked
Seeking Alpha
It's tough to imagine that anything could unseat Google (GOOG) as the king of all-things-Internet. After all, not only does the company dominate the search engine market, but it also keeps people in the Google circle by constantly adding new tools and ...
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Google 'copies' Apple, loses prototype phone in San Francisco bar
The LG Nexus 4 is Google's next Nexus developer phone. It will, as all these devices do, carry stock Android and is important to Google as a phone designed to be used as a reference device for developers. It is also important to LG, as for the first ...
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Hurricane Sandy Prompts Google to Cancel Android Event
ABC News (blog)
Google had hoped to take the tech world by storm on Monday with its Android event, but a storm is now taking the event. As a result of Hurricane Sandy, Google cancelled its big Android event, which was set to be held in New York City at 9:00 a.m. Monday.
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ABC News (blog)
Hurricane Sandy: 1. Google's Monday Press Event in NYC: 0.
PC Magazine
According to The Verge's T.C. Sottek, Google's event location has now been designated an evacuation zone by the city, which rules any kind of product launches right out. The company hasn't indicated when or where it plans to reschedule its event, which ...
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Windows 8是微軟能否保住個人電腦作業系統市佔率、並成功跨足行動市場,是執行長史帝夫‧鮑曼(Steve Ballmer)個人名聲的保衛戰。微軟、蘋果,這兩家公司名稱這幾天就像是連體嬰,聯手攻佔所有媒體的科技新聞版面,從營運策略到產品面,無不拿來比較 分析。
Window 8的推出,不僅顯示了微軟搶進行動市場的強烈企圖,也反映了微軟營運策略另一個重大的轉變。過去微軟與英特爾就像是哥倆好,Wintel成了個人電腦市場 的不敗夥伴,也成了個人電腦的代名詞。但自從開發Windows 8系統開始,轉向行動裝置晶片市場龍頭:英國的晶片大廠ARM,並為了使用ARM晶片的平板電腦、筆電和其他電腦裝置,開發另一版本的Windows 8,名為Windows RT,Wintel聯盟已形同瓦解。
微軟與 ARM的合作,勢必將威脅到昔日夥伴英特爾在晶片市場的領導地位。
然而,Windows RT的推出,卻有部分媒體不看好。英國《金融時報》指出,它最大的問題在於使用便利性:它必須搭載 Windows RT。雖然這套作業系統屬於開放系統,但是原本Windows系統的軟體(包括Windows 8)並無法在上運作。如果是新添購的電腦裝置,除了Office軟體會預先內建在個人電腦或其他裝置上,使用者必須從微軟的線上app store下載其他相關的軟體應用,問題是目前微軟的app store沒有包括像臉書這類熱門的app。
不過,相較於Windows RT,大家對微軟的平板電腦Surface,則是樂觀看待。儘管蘋果執行長提姆‧庫克在25日進行第三季業績報告時,批評Surface「就像是一台又會 飛又能在水中航行的汽車,」似乎是眾多勢力妥協之下的產物,讓人不解。不過,Surface兼具筆電與平板電腦功能的特殊設計,也為電腦市場打開了新市 場,專為觸控螢幕開發的Windows 8,更引發大家對於Surface的高度期待。(吳凱琳編譯)

