目前,移動互聯網領域的很多商務、社交等活動都基於位置而發生,而承載這些服務的平台便是地圖。地圖服務衍生出來的一系列的定位服務以及廣告,已經成為新的贏利點。 早有蓄謀 對於推出地圖服務,蘋果似乎早有蓄謀。2009年10月,蘋果通過併購網絡地圖公司Placebase首次涉足地圖業務,並在隨後兩年裡先後併購地圖公司Poly9和3D地圖技術公司C3 Technologies。 此次推出地圖服務,蘋果前後佈局雖然只有3年之久,但在楊永琦看來已經取得了不錯的成績。“蘋果在這麼短的時間內,就推出了全球性的地圖服務實際上已經相當不錯。”他指出,地圖是一種區域性很強的服務,需要長時間的數據和技術積累。 谷歌地圖已經研發數年,除了購買現有的商業數據之外,谷歌已經在數據採集、街景等方面走在了前列。同時,谷歌地圖的人力資源投入也要遠遠超過蘋果。 據美國科技博客BusinessInsider報導,谷歌地圖擁有7000多名員工,其中包括1100名全職員工和6000名合同工,而蘋果地圖團隊的員工可能只有上百名。 為了更進一步完善自家的地圖服務,蘋果公司正在大量挖角谷歌公司地圖員工。但有業內人士認為,即使蘋果公司可以挖到有經驗的工程師,也不可能在短時間內超越谷歌地圖。 一個有意思的問題是,谷歌地圖還有機會重回iOS平台嗎?答案可能是不會了。 谷歌董事長施密特昨天在日本向媒體表示,谷歌沒有向App Store提交iOS版谷歌地圖應用。他說:“要是蘋果公司繼續使用谷歌地圖,就不會出現這麼糟糕的局面了。難道要谷歌再逼蘋果換回來?駟馬難追。” Schmidt: Apple Should Have Kept Google Maps
popular mapping application likely won't migrate to Apple's iPhone 5
anytime soon, the search giant's Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt said.
The New York Times-Apple’s Feud With Google Is Now Felt on iPhone 原本預料,谷歌已針對iOS 6系統開發新版的谷歌地圖app,但根據路透社報導,目前人正在東京參加Nexus 7平板電腦上市活動的谷歌執行董事長艾瑞克‧施密特(Eric Schmidt)鄭重否認,谷歌並沒有針對iPhone 5開發地圖app。 曾是哥倆好的蘋果與谷歌,在2007年蘋果發表第一支iPhone時,谷歌曾站台相挺;之後陸續推出的iPhone手機,都內建有谷歌地圖和YouTube app。 但是谷歌推出Android系統後,這段關係開始產生了質變。 先是宣布iPhone手機不再搭載YouTube app,隨後谷歌推出新的YouTube app,在App Store上架。 但是這次的情況不盡相同,先前蘋果並未推出與YouTube類似的產品,與谷歌正面衝突;這次蘋果卻決定推出自行開發的地圖系統。 以目前蘋果地圖錯誤百出的結果看來,谷歌似乎佔了上風,這等於是為谷歌地圖做了一次免費的宣傳。 今天注意到自由時報的文中已無Google廣告 為什麼說Nexus 7比iPad更勝一籌? 谷歌眼鏡試用體驗 | |||||||||||||
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Google's Sergey Brin: robotic cars available to general public within 5 years CNET (blog) Google has already put in 300,000 miles of testing with its self-driving cars. Brin said the company will focus on improving sensors and hardware failure support for the technology. He said any obstacles for the technology will be the same as any ... See all stories on this topic » | |||||||||||||
Judge orders arrest of president of Google's operation in Brazil Washington Post RIO DE JANEIRO — A Brazilian judge ordered the arrest of the head of Google's operations in Brazil for failure to remove YouTube videos that attacked a mayoral candidate, which runs counter to the South American nation's strict pre-vote electoral laws. See all stories on this topic » | |||||||||||||
Google would like to snag Yahoo search deal from Microsoft CNET The search saga between Google and Yahoo may not be over after all. Under a search-ad partnership proposed in 2008, Yahoo would have placed Google ads on some Yahoo search results, and the companies would have shared resulting revenue. See all stories on this topic » | |||||||||||||
Google-backed survey brings new depth to Great Barrier Reef NBCNews.com (blog) In partnership with Google, the Seaview Survey has been mounting a series of expeditions to capture high-resolution imagery of the Great Barrier Reef and other coral reef locales. It's sponsored by Catlin Group Ltd., a global insurance group. The ... See all stories on this topic » | |||||||||||||
Trading at Noon: Google soars to new all-time high Reuters ... inappropriate. Loading... Alert icon. Sign in or sign up now! Alert icon. Loading... Published on Sep 25, 2012 by ReutersVideo. Sep 25 - Google jumps to $764/share as sales of its new Nexus tablet begin in Japan, and Yahoo looks ahead with Mayer's ... See all stories on this topic » | |||||||||||||
Google's in great shape vs. Facebook: analyst MarketWatch SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) — Two Internet rivals were pulled in opposite directions by traders on Monday, as Google set a new high while Facebook slid nearly 10% — tripping the Nasdaq's circuit-breaker rule designed to prevent runaway short selling. See all stories on this topic » | |||||||||||||
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Google offers new browser benchmark for WebApps Computerworld IDG News Service - Recognizing that developers are working with an increasing number of browser technologies to build their Web applications, Google engineers, along with contributors from other companies, have posted a new test suite for browsers. See all stories on this topic »
2012年9月25日 星期二
自由時報的文中已無Google廣告 Google Maps
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