2019年3月28日 星期四

People Kill People. But the Bullets Seem to Matter.

People Kill People. But the Bullets Seem to Matter.
People Kill People. But the Bullets Seem to Matter.
Handgun caliber has been getting bigger over recent decades, even as murder rates have fallen. New research suggests that if the guns had stayed the same, homicides would have declined even more.

2019年3月27日 星期三

歐盟通過新版權法 ,嚴管互聯網

 歐盟通過新版權法 ,嚴管互聯網:該法案將要求谷歌等科技公司在取得音樂家、作家和新聞出版商的授權之後,才能發布它們的內容。法案將對媒體行業與互聯網科技巨頭的商業運營方式產生重大影響。

2019年3月25日 星期一


蘋果公司週一為其日益增長的服務業務推出了四項新服務即閱讀新聞的媒體服務、串流媒體影片服務、串流媒體遊戲服務以及與Apple Pay相關聯的免手續費的信用卡服務。服務業務是iPhone銷售放緩之際,蘋果公司關注的一大領域。然而,蘋果公司隻公布了新聞訂閱服務News+的價格,每月9.99美元,而即便是這項服務也有一些關於內容的問題沒有得到解答。
這些新服務要麼是蘋果公司前期項目的重製版,比如News+(Apple Newsstand的翻版?),要麼是突然進軍競爭異常激烈的市場,比如原創影片內容、遊戲串流媒體和免手續費信用卡服務。如果誰不清楚這些市場的競爭有多激烈、成本有多高的話,可以看看Netflix的負現金流和高額內容成本,以及湧入遊戲串流媒體服務越來越多的競爭對手,包括上週新聞披露的Alphabet旗下Google推出的Stadia服務
蘋果公司此次推出的最具創新性且有望盈利的服務是與高盛集團聯手推出的新信用卡,這聽起來是個不錯的交易,意在鼓勵更多人使用Apple Pay支付系統。但這個領域的競爭也極為激烈,類似的信用卡已經積纍了廣泛的客戶基礎,而蘋果公司的新卡僅限啓動了Apple Pay的iPhone用戶使用。


2019年3月20日 星期三

WSJ : Facebook Live必須關閉了

去年10月,記者們觀看巴西大選總統候選人Jair Bolsonaro在Facebook Live上直播。 圖片來源:MAURO PIMENTEL/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES
2016年,Facebook Live倉促推出,以重新吸引避開Facebook傳統平台的年輕人。不過,雖然Instagram Stories等一些影片計劃成功吸引了年輕人,其他項目的吸引力可能更加有限。該公司通常不會單獨披露影片直播業務的數據,但其影片點播平台Watch日均觀眾達7,500萬。這隻佔Facebook日均活躍用戶總數的5%。Watch可以說是社群媒體版的Netflix或Hulu。
對於一家已經成為大眾社交生活替罪羊的公司而言,這些數據並沒有解決影片直播給其帶來的日益嚴重的形象問題。據《華爾街日報》的一篇報道,在推出的第一年,人們使用Facebook Live播放至少50條暴力影片,包括謀殺、自殺和毆打。上週五有人影片直播了紐西蘭克賴斯特徹奇槍擊案,之後亞洲航空首席執行長Tony Fernandes週日在Twitter上發文稱,他關閉了Facebook賬戶。他的賬戶有逾50萬人關注。

Google fined $1.7 BILLION for blocking advertising rivals. Google Introduces Streaming Video Game Service

The tech giant's THIRD punishment in two years

Google Introduces Streaming Video Game Service

By focusing on streaming games with its Stadia service, Google is trying to catch the next wave of gaming.

Japan Is Betting Big On The Future Of Hydrogen Cars

...In Japan, the Mirai is expensive even with a generous government subsidy that brings it down from the equivalent of about $70,000 to $50,000. The largest cost is the fuel cell production, but Toyota says that will drop as production ramps up.
Japan has embraced the technology and aims to create the first “hydrogen society,” which also includes the use of hydrogen for power generation. The energy ministry has ambitious targets in the lead-up to the 2020 Olympics. The city of Tokyo plans to deploy 100 hydrogen fuel cell buses during the games, and it wants to have 40,000 fuel cell electric vehicles on the road, with a longer-term goal of 200,000such vehicles in the next six years.
More convenient than plug-in electric
Today there are far more battery electric vehicles on the road than hydrogen cars, with more than 5 million plug-in cars worldwide, according to José Pontes, an analyst at EV-Volume.com, a Web site that tracks the industry. But in countries like Japan, where much of the population lives in dense urban areas, many people live in apartment buildings without a place to easily charge a car. It’s here where companies like Toyota are banking on the convenience of hydrogen fuel cell.
“There’s just no behavior change as long as you have [hydrogen] infrastructure in place,” says Matthew Klippenstein, co-author of the online publication Fuel Cell Industry Review. “We go to the same gas station and fuel up in the same few minutes and just keep on tootling on.”
In South Korea, where the majority of residents also live in urban areas, automaker Hyundai just announced that it plans to produce 700,000 fuel cell cars a year by 2030....
So the Japanese government has stepped in with subsidies. The country, along with private companies like Toyota, has helped build and operate 100 hydrogen fueling stations so far. Japan has a target of 900 by 2030. By then, Toyota hopes there will be enough hydrogen vehicles to make the stations profitable....

Japan Is Betting Big On The Future Of Hydrogen Cars
But Japan isn't sure that the battery electric car is the only future, and it's betting big on something it says makes more sense in big cities: hydrogen fuel ...

Outage | Facebook. Google overhauls EU search results to avoid probe

Early today Facebook was down or unreachable for many of you for approximately 2.5 hours. This is the worst outage we've had in over four years, and we.

Google faces penalties in its third antitrust investigation today. It's already paid €7bn.

2019年3月18日 星期一

Apple prepares to unveil its next big thing:streaming video

Apple prepares to unveil its next big thing

Apple: The tech giant’s next big product isn’t a new device, but a billion-dollar-plus foray into streaming video. The company is expected to reveal details of the project next week.

• 蘋果進軍好萊塢?不,是好萊塢進入蘋果 。蘋果公司計劃推出流媒體視頻服務,與Netflix、亞馬遜和HBO直接競爭。隨著iPhone銷售量下滑,蘋果斥重金在娛樂業豪賭。

2019年3月16日 星期六

Wisconsin's Foxconn Debacle Keeps Getting Worse

Jan 29, 2019 - Foxconn Technology Group is reconsidering plans to make advanced liquid crystal display panels at a $10 billion Wisconsin campus, and said ...
Feb 1, 2019 - Days after Foxconn's Louis Woo told Reuters that the company is no longer planning to build a factory in Wisconsin, Foxconn says the factory ...
Oct 29, 2018 - After an enormous $4.1 billion subsidy from Wisconsin, Foxconn has repeatedly scaled back plans for the factory it promised. As the number of ...
3 hours ago - Foxconn's February revenue was down 43% from January and 71% from February 2018. TSMC was down 22% month to month and 6% year to ...
Jan 30, 2019 - Eric Lach on how the bad deal Wisconsin made with Foxconn to open an L.C.D.-screen factory in Mt. Pleasant, Wisconsin, is only getting ...

2019年3月14日 星期四

global outages OF GOOGLE and FACEBOOK

1 day ago - Google's Gmail and Drive suffer global outages. Users in Australia, the US, Europe and Asia report problems with various applications for ...




Facebook is back up and running again after an EIGHT HOUR outage - here's what happened

2019年3月12日 星期二

both Gmail and Google Drive are experiencing what it describes as a "service disruption."

...According to a message posted on Google's GSuite Status Dashboard at 1:53 p.m. ET, both Gmail and Google Drive are experiencing what it describes as a "service disruption."
"We're investigating reports of an issue with Gmail," the message read. "We will provide more information shortly. The affected users are able to access Gmail, but are seeing error messages, high latency, and/or other unexpected behavior."
Google had a similar status message for Google Drive.
So what do you do when you're email isn't working? Send out a tweet!
