2018年5月31日 星期四

Microsoft is now more valuable than Alphabet — by about $10 billion

4 年前,現任執行長納德拉(Satya Nadella)上任,將公司經營重心定位在跨平台技術、雲端、人工智慧等領域,更積極發展未來混合實境技術。
在他的帶領之下,微軟過去一年公司市值成長了 40%,比 Alphabet 高出 5 倍之多,也正式奪回市值第三名寶座。
比起跟 Google 一樣,把單一收益壓在線上廣告,微軟分散旗下事業部,包含 Windows 系統與裝置、雲端事業,以及 Office 生產力工具等,都持續成長,並且平均占微軟 30% 收益比率。
金融服務公司摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)分析師更預測,基於微軟 B2B 的雲端事業不斷成長,市值有機會在未來一年內突破 1 兆美元大關。

2018年5月29日 星期二

IBM 宣佈裁員50-70%...IBM aims to advance AI—and keep up with Google and Facebook—through an ambitious new project at MIT


Watson 燒錢無底洞!? IBM 宣佈裁員50-70%
根據外媒報導,IBM Watson Health於美國時間上週四(24)起宣佈裁

IBM aims to advance AI—and keep up with Google and Facebook—through an ambitious new project at MIT

MIT Technology Review
A new $240 million center at MIT may help IBM reclaim its reputation for doing cutting-edge AI.

2018年5月24日 星期四

Massive Reversal: Google Home Sales Explode 483%. You're being hacked. 亞馬遜Alexa智能設備未經允許錄製並分享用戶對話 三星被判向蘋果支付5.39億美元手機專利賠償

• Alexa, no! Amazon explained how an Echo device mistakenly recorded a married couple’s private conversation, then sent it to one of the husband’s employees.



'Unplug your Alexa devices right now. You're being hacked.'


A couple’s private conversation was mysteriously recorded by their Amazon Echo, then shared with a contact.

2018年5月14日 星期一

Apple facing class action lawsuit over defective MacBook Pro keyboards

Guardian US 分享了 1 條連結
43 分鐘
Plaintiffs complain of frustration at design that has left keys prone to becoming stuck, leaving laptops unusable

How to Keep Google From Owning Your Online Life

Google is so woven into the fabric of the internet it’s all but impossible to avoid. But when you leave Google’s planet of intertwined products and services, you’ll be surprised at how many strong alternatives you’ll find
Google’s vast internet footprint, from Search to Chrome to Maps, gives it an unparalleled view into our lives. Here’s how to take a Google timeout.

2018年5月9日 星期三

Google just gave a stunning demo of Assistant making an actual phone call

Google just gave a stunning demo of Assistant making an actual phone call - It’s hard to believe AI can interact with people this naturally
On stage at I/O 2018, Google showed off a stunning, in-the-works capability of Google Assistant; it might someday make actual phone calls on your behalf.

2018年5月5日 星期六

Google language parser

We gave a Google language parser our own articles to read to test how well it works, and weren't disappointed.
