2011年9月28日 星期三

提供5~20全職工作: Google資料中心 落腳彰化

Google資料中心 落腳彰化

斥資1億美元 台灣網友可享更佳連網品質


換句話說,網友將來在使用Google的服務中,包括使用搜尋引擎、Gmail信箱、社群網站Google+、Google Map(地圖)、影音網站YouTube,均可較目前連網速度更快、品質更為穩定,享受資料儲存更安全的服務。


除台灣之外,Google將同步在新加 坡及香港分別成立亞太資料中心。微驅科技總經理吳金榮說,Google成立資料中心,一定會根據當地環境條件篩選,台灣在供電穩定、電價便宜、優秀人才及 具有許多代工客戶等優勢下,成為Google成立資料中心的據點,就是對台灣投資環境的一種肯定。


至於彰化最後勝出的關鍵,許佳齡表 示,Google依照嚴謹的資料中心興建計劃審核標準與程序,在全球各地物色合適的用地,其中須充分考慮地點與用戶的鄰近度、穩健的基礎設施、可靠的供電 系統、一流技術人員、合理的商業法規,及成本等各方面因素,由於台灣彰化符合所有上述條件,因此決定設立。





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News10 new results for google
Google will finance rooftop solar installations
Los Angeles Times
Google wants homeowners to use solar panels to generate electricity. And it's investing $75 million to help up to 3000 of them install panels on their roofs. The Internet search giant said Tuesday that it will create a fund for solar installers to ...
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Google asks to protect confidential information about Android system in AT&T-T ...
Washington Post
By AP, WASHINGTON — Google Inc. wants to protect confidential information about its business plans related to Android smartphone operating system in the upcoming antitrust trial against AT&T and T-Mobile. Google filed a motion in Washington federal ...
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GOOGLE BIRTHDAY: Doodle celebrates company's 13th anniversary
Washington Post (blog)
By Michael Cavna If we'd known your birthday was coming up, Google, we'd have baked a cake (well, after Googling for the recipe). Fortunately — as you have every September since 2002, in some form — you rendered your own. On Tuesday, Google ...
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Inside Google Plus
Wired News
By Steven Levy The positive response to Google+ has been sweet vindication for Bradley Horowitz, Google's VP of products. For all of Google's successes, the company has an underwhelming track record when it comes to social networks. ...
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Wired News
Google's Biggest Threat Is Google
New York Times (blog)
By CLAIRE CAIN MILLER Google faces antitrust inquiries and competition from all corners. But its biggest threat is Google itself, Larry Page, its chief executive and co-founder, said Tuesday. “There are basically no companies that have good slow ...
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Google's Dead Sea Scrolls project: why putting parchment & papyrus in the ...
Wired News
In bringing the Dead Sea Scrolls into the cloud via an interface so user-friendly that even a humanities professor can navigate it, Google has once again played a part in something wonderful for the world. And I don't mean “wonderful” in the modern web ...
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Top Google PR Blunders
PC Magazine
Google is now a teenager, and as with any big company, it has had its share of PR nightmares. By Chloe Albanesius Google celebrated its 13th birthday today, and in that time, it has had a number of product hits and misses. As with any big company, ...
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Google Drive could be integrated with Android
TechCrunch's MG Siegler speculates that Google could be holding up the launch of Google Drive for the next version of Android, codenamed Ice Cream Sandwich. It's a plausible theory given that Apple's iCloud and Microsoft's SkyDrive will bring online ...
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Google Seeks To Drop Cloud Case Against Feds
Google filed suit last year claiming that the cloud computing contract was written to benefit Microsoft. Now it seems to be changing its mind. By J. Nicholas Hoover InformationWeek Google has filed a motion to dismiss its case against the federal ...
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Samsung, HTC, Motorola Endorse Google Wallet Rival, Isis
PC Magazine
Like Google Wallet,, Isis uses near-field communication (NFC) chips in upcoming smartphones to enable mobile payments. But spokesman Jaymee Johnson promises one huge difference when Isis finally launches in the spring of 2012: diversity. ...
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2011年9月22日 星期四


三﹐針對谷歌公司(Google Inc.)有沒有濫用互聯網壟斷地位的問題﹐該公司執行董事長施密特(Eric Schmidt)與美國參議員打起嘴仗﹐但基本上毫發未傷。這是谷歌成立13年以來與華盛頓爆發的最具戲劇性的沖突。


參議院反壟斷委員會代表共和黨的副主席、來自猶他州的議員李(Mike Lee)說﹐谷歌曾“篡改”數據﹐以便自己的產品和服務在搜索結果中比其它競爭對手更靠前。


European Pressphoto Agency
施密特從2001年開始擔任谷歌CEO﹐一直到今年早些時候。他極力使自己的公司與微軟(Microsoft Corp.)之間劃清界線。上一家受反壟斷執法者如此密集盤問的科技巨頭就是微軟。




但施密特確實也出現了一些失誤。他似乎一度承認谷歌在互聯網搜索市場的佔有率處於壟斷的“區域”。後來谷歌外部法律顧問克賴頓(Susan Creighton)予以糾正﹐說谷歌並不處於壟斷地位。



點評網站Yelp Inc.首席執行長斯托普爾曼(Jeremy Stoppelman)對參議院反壟斷委員會說﹐谷歌已經不再做引導人們找到網上最佳信息源的業務了﹔它現在希望親自充當“目的地市場”。


2011年9月13日 星期二

Google Aims Dart To Kill JavaScript

Google Aims Dart To Kill JavaScript

The Web has outgrown JavaScript, argues Google, and needs a more modern means of creating Web apps.

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Slideshow: Top 15 Google Apps ForBusiness
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JavaScript is a critical component for modern Web applications. It's one of the most popular programming languages and is widely used for tasks like validating input in Web apps or creating animated visual effects, as well as for more complicated application logic.

Google, however, believes that JavaScript, an implementation of ECMAScript standard, is fundamentally flawed and can't be fixed at a speed that matches its development ambitions. The company plans next month to announce a new programming language called Dart that it hopes will eventually replace JavaScript.

Google declined to provide further details about Dart in advance of the official announcement, scheduled to be delivered at the GOTO conference in October. But a document describing Google's position was published last November. The post, from Mark S. Miller, a Google engineer and designer of the E and Caja programming languages, who also serves as a representative to the ECMAScript committee, was sent to an internal Google developer mailing list. It was co-authored by Miller and over a dozen other Google engineers, including Lars Bak, who is scheduled to introduce Dart next month.

The executive summary notes that JavaScript "has fundamental flaws that cannot be fixed merely by evolving the language" and describes a two-pronged strategy to address the situation.

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Google plans to continue to participate in the development of Harmony, a future version of ECMAScript that's being spearheaded by the ECMA T39 standards group.

At the same time, Google plans to release and promote Dart, formerly called Dash. "The goal of the Dash effort is ultimately to replace JavaScript as the lingua franca of Web development on the open Web platform," Miller's post states.

The first Web application written using Dart that we're likely to see from Google is a cloud IDE known by the codename "Brightly," according to Miller's summary. Presumably, Brightly is based on the code for Writely, the online document creation app that Google acquired in 2006 and later turned into Google Docs.

IDEs, or integrated development environments, are tricked-out text editors for writing code, with tools for compiling, debugging, and the like. Mozilla has offered a Web-based IDE called Bespin since 2009, but Google, for all its promotion of Web-based apps, has yet to release one.

Dart has been designed with three main goals: performance, developer usability, and support for tooling. Performance is obviously necessary: No one would want to use a programming language that produces slow, inefficient apps. Developer usability is necessary to match the usability of JavaScript, which is popular with programmers of varying abilities. If Google creates a language that's too complicated, it will remain a niche tool and have only marginal influence on Web development. Support for tooling is necessary because large projects, such as Google Apps, often require special extensions that support code refactoring or locating subroutine calls.

Miller's summary also notes that security is important, though less so than the three main goals: "Dash is also designed to be securable, where that ability does not seriously conflict with the three main goals," the document says.

Brendan Eich, creator of JavaScript and Mozilla CTO, said in a blog post last month that while Google would put "a death mark" on JavaScript, the existing approach driven by standards committees is sufficient to direct the language's evolution. He argues that the inherent slowness of community-driven standards is a necessary price to avoid fragmentation and to maintain interoperability.

"[M]any Googlers, especially V8 principals, do not like JavaScript and don't believe it can evolve 'in time' (whatever that might mean--and Google of course influences JavaScript evolution directly, so they can put a finger on the scale here)," Eich wrote. "They're wrong, and I'm glad that at least some of the folks at Google working in TC39 actually believe in JavaScript--specifically its ability to evolve soon enough and well enough to enable both more predictable performance and programming in the large."

Among the JavaScript supporters cited by Eich is Google Chrome Frame developer Alex Russell, who published a blog post to address concerns that Google has it in for JavaScript. "Google is big, can do many things at once, and often isn't of one mind," wrote Russell. "What we do agree on is that we're trying to make things better the best we know how. Anyone who watches Google long enough should anticipate that we often have different ideas about what that means. For my part, then, consider me and my team to be committed JavaScript partisans for as long as we think we can make a difference."

To those disinterested in technical plumbing, it may seem unimportant whether or not JavaScript remains central to Web apps and Web development. But to Google, it's a critical issue. Google has staked its future on the Web, but the Dart summary suggests that Google's major Web applications "are struggling against the platform" and could be eclipsed by native mobile applications, in particular those controlled by Apple.

"The emergence of compelling alternative platforms like iOS has meant that the Web platform must compete on its merits, not just its reach," the document states. "Javascript as it exists today will likely not be a viable solution long-term. Something must change."

While Russell as a confessed JavaScript enthusiast sees things differently, he too recognizes some of the issues facing the Web. "[T]he language isn't the problem, the platform is," he wrote. "The only thing that's going to replace the Web as universal platform is the next version of the Web."

The question facing Google is whether it can get to the next version of the Web, with or without the open Web community, before enough people decide that building on other platforms represents a more appealing way to create online services.

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2011年9月7日 星期三

中共一年整 Google Inc. 一次

*** 這則新聞堪玩味 中共一年整你一次

歌(Google Inc.)發言人週三稱﹐谷歌已獲得中國政府發放的互聯網牌照﹐允許谷歌未來一年繼續在中國大陸市場經營。


